Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 156 The warmth from the relatives

Chapter 156 The warmth from the relatives

Seeing the satisfied three people busy in a hurry, Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips.

Since then, she has added a godmother, godfather, godgrandmother, godfather, and several godbrothers in her life.

The next morning, under the witness of her mother and the patriarch's grandfather's family, she recognized her godmother and godfather.

At the marriage recognition ceremony, according to the custom, Mrs. Li also prepared for her, gilded silver bowls and chopsticks and a longevity lock, in addition, a set of pale pink clothes, a set of shoes and socks.

At first glance, it seemed that she had spent a lot of money, which surprised Bai Ningxiang, she was in a hurry, and she didn't know how the godmother did it.

Of course, in addition to clothes, the rest of the bowls and chopsticks should be stored away, so as not to break them by mistake. If the bowl is broken, it will be considered a very unlucky thing.

In order to let their children grow up healthily, some qualified families will send the gift of kinship to the temple to pray for blessings. It is enough to offer some sesame oil money every year until they reach adulthood.

She is getting older, so the process is not so rigorous, but the patriarch's grandma's family insisted on preparing all the etiquette that should be there.

According to rural customs, once you recognize your relatives, you must walk around in accordance with rural etiquette and customs during the New Year, festivals, and birthdays, and you cannot neglect them.

The patriarch's grandfather stroked his beard and looked at his newly recognized granddaughter, very satisfied.

"Xiang girl, you don't have to take care of things by yourself in the future, just tell grandpa, even if it's your two unreliable uncles, grandpa can find you."

"Your grandpa is right. If your grandma troubles you, you can just come to grandma. I'm free, so I can chat with her for a day."

"God-sister, and us, if Bai Zhiwei and the others dare to bully you, they will come to god-brother, and I can beat you both."

The one who spoke was Bai Xiang'an, the second son of the godmother. Seeing his fearless appearance, Bai Ningxiang smiled at him.

"Then I would like to thank my brother."

"Never thank you, it's all right." Bai Xiangan blushed from the praise, and waved his hands repeatedly, causing everyone to laugh.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her godfather and grandma, as well as the godfather and mother beside her, and she felt a slight warmth in her heart, it felt really good to be cared for by someone.

Recognizing the god-in-law and having a meal together, the simple ceremony is considered complete.

During the period, the godmother took Bai Ningxiang and talked for a while,

"I've also heard about your purchase of the mountain top. Originally, my family still had concerns, fearing that people in the village would gossip, but my old lady has lived her whole life, and she is not afraid of the shadow, so she didn't take it to heart."

"People live a lifetime, and there are not many times when they can do whatever they want, so sometimes I admire your courage."

She understood what the godmother meant, and couldn't help but chuckled, "Don't worry, godmother, I know in my heart, you forgot the rumors a few days ago, I have a backer, so naturally I am more courageous."

Bai Ningxiang blinked slyly, and briefly described the situation of her brother-in-law.

The patriarch and his wife were silent for a long time, and only sighed, "You are a blessed child."

The news of the recognition of the godfather quickly spread, and there were mixed rumors in the village. Some people thought that the head of the Bai family was not easy seeing the orphans and widows, and wanted to help them.

Some felt that the head of the Bai family had bad intentions, maybe he was aiming at the thousand acres of mountain fields.

Of course, they all lived in the same village. When Lao Bai heard about the patriarch and his wife, he threw a teacup in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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