Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 172 The Fragrance of Osmanthus in August

Chapter 172

It is said that the best time for sowing is October and November every year, but she chooses to raise seedlings in advance and transplant them at that time.

Therefore, after the shed is built, just sow the tea seeds directly, even if there are some peels, it can be used as fertilizer in the later stage, which is beneficial to the growth of tea seedlings.

After sowing, cover the soil, water in time, and water enough, it is advisable for the water to reach the edge of the border.

Bai Ningxiang was very busy and methodical, and in the blink of an eye, the Mid-Autumn Festival arrived.

Although their mother and daughter don't have to leave relatives at home, Bai Ningxiang doesn't want to miss out on this gift. Fortunately, there are not many, the grandparents' family and the godfather's family.

Seeing her mother's body getting heavier and heavier, before going out, Bai Ningxiang repeatedly told Aunt Deng that she must take care of her.

"You girl, aren't you in a hurry to go to the town to prepare gifts? Why don't you leave? It's not like you don't know that mother doesn't like to drop by."

Shen stroking her stomach and strolling in the yard, listening to her daughter's explanation over and over again, couldn't help giving her a coquettish look, feeling as if she had eaten honey.

"You have such a big belly, am I worried about you?"

Bai Ningxiang stared at her mother's belly. Her mother was due to give birth in one and a half months. Her heart was still in suspense. She was afraid that she would not be at ease until the moment the fruit came to fruition.

After driving the carriage to the entrance of the village, Bai Ningxiang was still worried, "Bai Wu, you go home and watch, I'm very flustered."

Bai Wu looked at the girl's serious expression and nodded, "Okay."

Seeing Bai Wu turn around and go home, Bai Ningxiang finally felt relieved.

"Girl, Ma'am won't be born for more than a month. Are you too nervous?" Bai Cha sat on the shaft of the car with distressed eyes. The girl is capable, but the girl seems to have too many shoulders.

"Yeah, there is still more than a month..." In fact, she was a little conflicted in her heart, that is, she hoped that the time would come soon, and she hoped to stay until now forever.

When they arrived in the town, Bai Ningxiang didn't care much about strolling, so she went directly to the East Street, bought a snack set, brown sugar and red dates, half a carriage of all kinds, when passing by Chenjiabuzhuang, Bai Ningxiang asked Baicha to watch the carriage, and left by herself go in.

"Hey, Miss Bai, I haven't seen you for a while, please take a seat, if you need anything, tell auntie, I'll get it for you."

"Aunt Chen, you're welcome. I want a few pieces of muslin cloth for festivals." It's the first time she goes to her mother's house, and she has to prepare some clothes for the elders.

"Understood, before the Mid-Autumn Festival, we will have new products in stock. There are many designs, you can pick whatever you want." Aunt Chen said, holding a few new designs in front of Bai Ningxiang.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the colors, thinking of the figures and skin colors of her grandpa and grandma's family, and pointed to a few colors with moderate patterns.

"This one is made of sauce red, navy blue, and ginger yellow. I need one piece of sky blue. Although it is narrow, it should be enough to make two sets of clothes."

Aunt Chen nodded again and again, her eyes narrowed into a smile, "Sister Xiang, don't worry, as long as you cut it properly, not only will there be enough, but there will still be leftovers. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and using muslin cloth as a gift will definitely save face."

"Another piece of white muslin cloth, the soft kind, is used as a lining for children's clothes and as a changing mat. There are not enough prepared at home."

Now that she has no shortage of money, she can prepare more. The baby's changing mat is a consumable, so the more you have, the better.

"Hey~, what a good girl, this is for the unborn little brother, the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers are fragrant in August and September, the heavens are auspicious, your mother will give birth safely."

(End of this chapter)

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