Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 173 Talking Eight Diagrams in Front of Her

Chapter 173 Gossip in front of her face
Aunt Chen said, clasped her hands together, and said a blessing with a smile, it is not easy for mother and daughter, as long as you welcome your precious son, you will have hope in the future.

"With your good words, my aunt will also have a happy event."

"Oh, Sister Xiang is really good at talking, and my aunt is also waiting for this day." Aunt Chen said, bowing towards the southeast, muttering words.

No need to guess, I know this is praying for my son's high school.

Bai Ningxiang calculated the time, and this year's Autumn Festival is divided into three sessions, the opening session is on August [-]th, the second session is on August [-]th, and the last session is on August [-]th, and today happens to be the second session.

It is said that the release of the list at the end of the month is also the time when the fragrance of osmanthus is the strongest, so Qiuwei is also called Guibang.

Aunt Chen's son also participated in Qiuwei. Chen Yuan is well educated and should not fail the ranking.

As for Jiang Wenxue, he kept going one after another, wondering if he could keep his top name, Xie Yuan?

A gleam of coldness flashed across Bai Ningxiang's eyes, and she turned to Zhao Xian to ask about the situation of that scum, but she didn't know if Zhao Xian was reliable or not?
The shopkeeper Chen behind the counter looked at the behavior of the old woman and shook his head. Thinking that his son was taking an exam, he stopped complaining.

"Old lady, don't just talk about it, cut the cloth for Miss Bai, this is a gift, don't delay it."

"Hey~, don't rush, I have a relationship with Sister Xiang, so I just want to say a few more words."

Aunt Chen rolled her eyes at the old man, and her hands were not idle. She was busy with the scissors and ruler for a while, and it was packed into a small burden in the blink of an eye.

Bai Ningxiang paid the money, and just as she was about to leave, she saw a fifteen-year-old girl approaching. Bai Ningxiang looked at the shy little girl in front of her, and knew that she was Chen Xiaorou, Aunt Chen's little girl.

"Mother, everything you asked me to prepare has been done, and the yard has been cleaned up."

"That's all right. By the way, girl, these are two sets of new clothes that mother just made for your brother. You can take them and iron them. You can wear them when your brother comes back."

As Mrs. Cheng said, she hurriedly stuffed the clothes she had made into her daughter's arms.

"Mother, are these two sets made for elder brother?" Chen Xiaorou touched the clothes in her arms, one was made of satin, the other was made of muslin, both were blue, very suitable for a student's style.

"Of course, if you don't do it for your brother, who else can you do it for? When your brother is in high school, you will be Juren's girl. You don't have to worry about getting married. Mother will definitely find a good home for you."

Aunt Chen packed up the things at hand, talking about her plan in her mouth.

"Mother, there are still guests here, let's see what you are talking about?" Chen Xiaorou glanced at Bai Ningxiang, stamped her feet in shame, turned and went back to the backyard.

"Damn girl, what do you think I don't know? Mother doesn't want her daughter to suffer."

Aunt Chen looked at every shadow of her daughter who turned and ran, sighed, and then turned to Bai Ningxiang,

"Sister Xiang, I made you laugh, my aunt doesn't treat people as outsiders."

"Thank you Ma'am for your trust, it's too hard to let your parents down, little sister will understand." Bai Ningxiang smiled gently, and said a word of comfort, not in the mood to inquire.

"Oh, my good girl, I know you understand my aunt better than my stubborn girl."

Aunt Chen reached out and patted Bai Ningxiang's hand, sighed helplessly,

"Xiaorou is just stubborn, she will be dizzy after being praised for a few words, the younger generation of the Jiang family is not right..."

Before Aunt Chen could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a cough.

 The PK has started, recommended tickets, collection is very important, it is related to whether you can advance, little fairies move your fingers, click some recommended tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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