Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 174 Shameless people are invincible

Chapter 174 Shameless people are invincible
"Cough cough... old woman, what are you talking about?" Shopkeeper Chen glared at the old woman with a warning in his eyes. Even if Miss Bai is not an outsider, she can't bury her own daughter.

Besides, the township examination is not over yet, who knows what the result will be?
If you offend someone, it's not good.

Aunt Chen received the old man's warning, she looked embarrassed, but she was still upset.

"If I'm not angry, can I say anything casually? If the Jiang family's descendants are good, they shouldn't engage in such promiscuous behavior. The family is poor, and they don't study hard at home. They always run to our house and say I'm looking for Brother Yuan to discuss knowledge, borrow books and so on, how many times has our son been at home?"

"Shameless thing, cheating the little girl, Xiaorou only has those coins in his hands, and he pretends to be pitiful, and they will all go away."

"Shut up, old lady, Xiaorou is pitiful for seeing Jiang Xiucai, and our son is not at home, and he will starve if he can't borrow money. Xiaorou is kind-hearted and offered to give it to others."

Shopkeeper Chen walked out from behind the counter as he spoke, and looked at Bai Ningxiang apologetically, "Miss Bai, don't listen to your aunt's nonsense, she is unhappy in her heart, and she has no one to speak her mind to, she is holding her breath all the time."

Bai Ningxiang: "...It's okay, Madam is unhappy, it's a good thing to let it out, it saves you from getting sick."

what's the situation?Why does it sound so much like Jiang Wenxue?

Didn't he get close to the Zhang family girl?
So Chen Xiaorou is involved again?
"Sister Xiang's right. I'm really annoyed. Jiang Wenxue, that bad ruffian, has been classmates with our brother Yuan for several years. How many times have you borrowed money, and have you ever paid it back?"

"This time I'm even more shameless, pretending to be half disabled, pretending to be pitiful in front of Xiaorou, and directly giving away all my private money, just in exchange for a few sweet words, what's the use?"

"But now? Turning around and being ambiguous with other women, I cursed him for having diarrhea in the exam."

Shopkeeper Chen saw that the old woman's words became more and more unreliable, and his face darkened, "Old woman, shut up, what are you doing saying this in front of Miss Bai?"

The daughter has been silent and lifeless for a while, and he is also angry, but he is even more angry with the daughter for not living up to her expectations.

The corners of Bai Ningxiang's lips trembled imperceptibly, "Uncle Chen, Aunt Chen, calm down, Xiaorou is a quiet and good girl, and she will definitely not make mistakes in the days to come. Our girl family has little knowledge and makes mistakes. Just clean it up."

I really didn't expect that Jiang Wenxue's scoundrel would even provoke Xiaorou. How could he have the nerve to face Chen Yuan?
Sure enough, a person who is shameless is invincible.

Seeing Bai Ningxiang's sincere expression, shopkeeper Chen felt comfortable and spoke a lot more kindly.

"Sister Xiang is right. Xiaorou is weak, so she doesn't say anything. The old lady looks distressed... In fact, it's nothing. My family can afford it."

Bai Ningxiang's heart was complicated. She didn't expect that she would cause so many troubles after avoiding Jiang Wenxue?
But at the same time, she also spurned Jiang Wenxue's practice of spreading the net everywhere.

In her previous life, she was really blind.

After leaving Chenjiabuzhuang, he went directly to Zhaojia tea shop.

After a cup of tea, Zhao Xian rushed over.

"I kept sister Ningxiang waiting for a long time. This is a gift prepared by my father. Please accept it."

Zhao Xian put several snack sets and two pea-green muslin cloths on the table, and then took a sip from his teacup.

(End of this chapter)

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