Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 176 The Concubine Is Just Right

Chapter 176 The Concubine Is Just Right
"Later, that idiot Zhang Ruijie held a tea party at home, and Jiang Wenxue was also invited. It was not surprising that the two met. With Jiang Wenxue's thick-skinned energy, he is quite familiar with flirting with a little girl."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

So, Miss Zhang and Jiang Wenxue came together because of her reasons?

What's wrong with this?
"The Zhang family just let their daughter get too close to Jiang Wenxue?"

Ben is a concubine.

After all, the Zhang family is a respectable family in the town, so they don't understand this, do they?
"This younger sister doesn't know something. The Zhang family is different from our Zhao family. They have great ambitions. Let me just say that I am not a material for studying, so my father asked me to learn business. That idiot Zhang Ruijie is not a material for studying, but he Dad has to beat him to the academy with a stick."

Zhao Xian said, gloating in his eyes,
"Old man Zhang may know that his son is not that kind of material, so he is allowed to make friends with some potential students in the college. The ancestors of the Zhang family have always had the practice of subsidizing students from poor families. , pull it out."

"So, after discovering that Jiang Wenxue knew Zhang's daughter, he deliberately indulged. If both parties are interested, wouldn't it be logical to want to get together?"

Bai Ningxiang blinked her eyes, and shook her head speechlessly, isn't that right, this kind of behavior of the Zhang family is a common method used by wealthy families.

Subsidizing one or two students from poor families, in case any high school, can be regarded as an extra layer of help.Even if it doesn't work, it won't hurt your muscles or bones. There are profits and losses in business, let alone people.

In addition, Jiang Wenwen wanted to find a money jar, and the two hit it off.

tacit understanding~
"The exam is over now, and I don't know who will get it this year?"

Bai Ningxiang turned her head to look at the street outside the window, and whispered.

In the previous life, with a fool like her standing in front of him, Jiang Wenxue devoted himself to studying, won the first name Jie Yuan, and was extremely proud.

In this life, he bowed his head for Doumi, wasting all his time on making calculations, and he wondered if the heavens would favor him again?
Zhao Xian looked at Bai Ningxiang's obviously depressed expression, and heaved a sigh of relief.
"It's really hard to say, but my father said that Jiang Wenxue's mind is not right, he only knows how to do it, and it's not easy to do well in the exam. He also said that Chen Yuan is a good guy. If I can chat with him, I can do it." When friends move."

As Zhao Xian said, he waved his hands again and again, "My father only thinks about good things, Chen Yuan and I are not at the same level, how could we talk together."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Zhao Xian's respectful and indifferent attitude, and couldn't help but chuckled softly, "Everyone has his own way out, Brother Zhao has a talent for business, as long as he works hard, he will definitely be a wealthy businessman."

"Hey... I don't have big ambitions, I just want to keep the family's ancestral property." Zhao Xian laughed, anyway, his father is still young, so he just needs to eat and wait for death.

Looking at Zhao Xian, Bai Ningxiang was startled, and then bent her lips, "You are very happy."

Parents dote on her, don't worry about firewood, rice, oil and salt, and confuse herself as the second generation ancestor, and her parents still don't dislike her.

Suddenly Bai Ningxiang praised her, thinking of the situation of the Bai family, Zhao Xian was embarrassed, he didn't mean to show off.

"By the way, what happened to the tea seedlings cultivated by sister Ningxiang? Are there enough seeds? I have already asked, new seeds will come down soon, and I will keep them for you if you need them."

"The quality of the tea seeds is good, and the tea seedlings are strong. If there are new seeds, leave me another two hundred catties."

 Jiang Wenxue: You look good, but if you pretend to be pitiful, a girl will give you money~
  Author: Get out, it's shameless to lie to a woman.

  Jiang Wenxue: They were all delivered to the door on their own initiative, so don't reject them for nothing.

  Author Jun: Take it easy!

(End of this chapter)

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