Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 177 1 bag of mice

Chapter 177 A bag of mice
"No problem, I'll tell you, I must reserve the fullest seeds for Ningxiang sister." Zhao Xian promised, patted his chest.

After bidding farewell to Zhao Xian, Bai Ningxiang brought the girl back home.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Bai Wu came out from the gatehouse. He glanced at Bai Ningxiang, and just about to speak, he saw Mrs. Chen walking out holding Aunt Deng's hand.

"Xiangxiang is back. You must be tired. Mom asked Aunt Deng to cook pigeon soup for you. It's warm."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at Bai Wu, supported her mother's arm and walked towards the main room, "I just went to the town, how can I be so delicate, my mother should make up for it."

After moving the gifts to the main room, Bai Ningxiang pointed to some pieces of cloth.

"I recognized my godfather and godmother. This is the first holiday. I thought it would be enough for each person to send a piece of cloth-cut clothes, together with a snack set, a box of red dates and a box of brown sugar."

"As for my grandmother, there are eight sets of snacks, one piece of pea-green cotton cloth, which can be worn by all ages, and one piece of lotus-colored gauze, which is enough for my cousins ​​to make clothes. Two boxes of red dates and brown sugar are given by my brother-in-law. Isn’t there a red sandalwood hairpin in the gift, my grandmother is wearing it just right, I heard that red sandalwood is good for rejuvenation.”

After Bai Ningxiang finished her plan, she saw her mother looking at her with red eyes.

"What's the matter? But where is it uncomfortable?" Why didn't I realize that my mother's lacrimal glands were so developed before?

"Cough~, mother is very good, mother is very gratified, Xiangxiang is better than mother in human relations, and she is not afraid of Xiangxiang's jokes when she speaks out. Your father used to help, but now your daughter takes care of everything. Mother is the most useless person in the family. "

As Shen said, her face turned slightly red. The old mother once said that she was blessed, married a good man, and gave birth to a good daughter.

If there were no accidents, she would indeed be a happy woman.

Bai Ningxiang opened her mouth, shook her head and laughed,

"Mother's body is heavy. I dare not let you worry about it. After you give birth safely, I don't care about the family relationship. It's messy and chaotic. With that time, I might as well think about how to make the tea garden generate income."

She is most interested in making money, enough money.

What kind of scholar, farmer, businessman, in two lifetimes, she has never seen anyone who doesn't love money, especially those who are in official careers, just to clear up relationships, they need a lot of money.

Seeing her daughter's indifferent expression, Shen wiped her eyes, "It's true that you are becoming more and more in charge of the house, and you have learned to choke your mother."

"Forget it, I can't say no to you, the gift for your grandmother, let Aunt Deng come over tomorrow, and report your grandmother's safety by the way, and let your grandmother come over to accompany me for a while when I give birth."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, a woman gave birth, and her mother's family is in charge, so she can feel more at ease.

"Mother, don't worry, I will bring my grandmother here in advance."

After dinner, Bai Ningxiang accompanied her mother for a stroll around the courtyard, watched her rest before heading towards the door.

Bai Wu came out carrying a bag.

"What is this?" Looking at the moving bag, Bai Ningxiang frowned.


Hearing the word "mouse", Bai Ningxiang's face suddenly turned cold, "Where did it come from?"

"Your cousin Bai Zhikun climbed the wall with his cousin and prepared to put them in the yard." Bai Wu's voice was cold, with the smell of ice balls.

If it wasn't for the big commotion between the two of them, he would have to take a look, otherwise the rats running around in the yard would definitely frighten the lady.

Bai Ningxiang clenched her fists, her eyes darkened, and she said that it was [-]% to [-]% wrong, if her mother had a good or bad thing, it would be a dead body and two lives!
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(End of this chapter)

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