Chapter 178 A Bag of Snakes

At that time, even if she risked her life to avenge her, she would have nothing left. What's the point of reviving the whole life?
Looking at the bulging cloth bag, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help trembling, her dark eyes were hidden in the night, still making people shudder.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and there are comings and goings. I have to pay him back twice."

Bai Ningxiang forced herself to calm down, looked up at Bai Wu, "Can you catch snakes? Grass snakes, water snakes, cauliflower snakes, bring me half a bag."

Hearing of catching the snake, Bai Wu shook his face, but fortunately under the cover of night, Bai Ningxiang couldn't see it.

"What if I scare your grandmother?" Dr. Yang said last time that Mrs. Bai had symptoms of a stroke.

Bai Ningxiang blinked and chuckled, "What are you afraid of, grandma doesn't live in the same room with my third uncle and third aunt."

As far as she knew, Bai Zhikun was eight years old and was still sleeping on the bed of his third uncle and third aunt.

So just right, one pot stew.

Under the night, Bai Ningxiang was sitting in the yard, holding her chin and looking at the sparse stars in the night sky, waiting for Bai Wu to come back after catching the snake.

The thin and stubborn figure was hidden in the night, somehow, it looked a bit bleak.

Suddenly, Bai Ningxiang felt that the house was still too deserted, and she needed to buy some strong women to come back to the town house.

Although Bai Wu's reaching out is good, but he is a man after all, and there are many places where he needs to avoid suspicion, which is not as convenient as a vicious woman.

Bai Ningxiang held her chin, switched from left to right, she had already made up her mind.

An hour later, Bai Wu quietly appeared at the door, holding a cloth bag in his hand, a big bulging bag.

There was a hissing sound from time to time, which made people's ears tingle and goose bumps all over their bodies.

"Take the mouse, let's go." Rubbing his arms, he whispered.

Under the cover of the night, the two quietly groped towards Bai Laosan's house. Standing outside the courtyard wall, Bai Ningxiang was a little worried.

"I can take you to the roof." Bai Wu said in a low voice with two bags in one hand.

Bai Ningxiang frowned, and subconsciously took a step back, staring at the thing in his hand with a look of disgust.

I didn't change my clothes after catching the snake~
Bai Wu pursed his lips, looked at the disgust in the girl's eyes, "You wait for me outside."

"No, I want to watch them fly like dogs."

Bai Ningxiang gritted her teeth and stretched out her arms, "Be careful, don't let your mouse bag touch me."

Seeing how she looked at death like home, Bai Wu's lips tightened even more, he directly embraced her waist, jumped up to the roof of the main house, put her on the roof ridge and sat down, and then retreated to the side.

Bai Ningxiang exhaled heavily, patted the clothes on her body subconsciously, and looked down at the courtyard of the third uncle's house. Except for a dim light in the grandmother's room, the two rooms on the left and right were completely dark.

"Go ahead, pour it in through the window, and don't disturb them."

Bai Wu took the bag in his hand and lightly landed in the yard.

Fortunately, the autumn tiger was fierce these few days, and the windows of Liu's east wing were not closed.

The whole village fell into a deep sleep, the quiet needle drop could be heard, and any sound could be amplified infinitely.Bai Ningxiang was sitting on the roof, she could still hear the rustling sound.

Thinking of a certain scene, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help rubbing her arms again.

"All right,"

At this moment, Bai Wu floated back like a ghost.

The two sat silently on the roof, and after a while, following Liu's scream, there was a loud ping-pong sound in Bai Laosan's room.

(End of this chapter)

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