Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 198 She Really Is A Money Fan

Chapter 198 She Really Is A Money Fan

Listening to her righteous brother's teaching, Bai Ningxiang suppressed the sarcasm in her eyes, isn't the Jiang family a living example?
Regardless of whether this is a dream or not, she has to live a little more recklessly, even in a dream, she can't let those scumbags take advantage of her.

"I listen to brother Yi."

"Your eyes... Auntie will be worried when you go back."

Han Jing looked at her face, embarrassed.

With Shen's temperament, maybe the mother and daughter would cry again.

"There are chickens raised next door to the tea garden. I'll touch a few eggs and boil them. I'll put some heat on them."

Bai Ningxiang also knew that she couldn't go home in this state, so as not to scare her mother again.

The hard-boiled egg was wrapped in a handkerchief, and rolled around the eyes while it was still hot. After half an hour, the redness finally stopped.

But it's still a bit swollen, if you don't look carefully, it's not too obvious.

Bai Ningxiang is not in a hurry, Aunt Deng will be back in the afternoon, and someone will cook dinner, so she can walk back slowly.

Looking at the righteous sister who had recovered, Han Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he also had sisters in his family, he was in the military camp since he was a child, and he didn't know how to get along with women at all.

It's only been a day, and the girl is crying and laughing, and she doesn't know what will happen to her in the future?
It seems that later he will have to ask Da Zhuo how he grew up with his younger sister. Thinking about it, life must not be easy.

Once he has experience, he will be able to handle the next time the girl has another convulsion.

With a plan in mind, Han Jing felt much more at ease when facing Bai Ningxiang.

In the twilight, the two strolled back home. The villagers they met cast curious glances when they saw Han Jing, but the villagers were not very courageous, and no one dared to ask anything.

When we got home, Aunt Deng was already busy in the kitchen.

"Girl, let's go down the mountain."

Aunt Deng took the chicken, put it aside, pointed to the fish and freshwater shrimp in the basin,
"When the old slave came back, the old lady asked to bring it back, saying that it was for the girl to try something new."

"It's my grandmother who loves me and knows that I like it."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the live and chatting freshwater shrimps, her grandmother's house was near the river, and she often put cages in the river, and the fish and shrimps in the house were almost constant.

"The girl guessed it right. The old lady said that when the family arrangements are settled, she will come and accompany the lady to give birth. At that time, you and your grandchildren will be able to have a good reunion."

Aunt Deng said, pointing to the half pot of prawns, "I don't know how the girl wants to eat it, is it boiled in sauce or boiled?"

Thinking of the taste of my mother and brother-in-law, "Just boil it, dip it in ginger vinegar sauce, it's delicious."


Bai Ningxiang went back to the house and changed her clothes. When she lowered her head, she saw the black jade tail ring on her chest, her eyes were a little wandering.

Looking through the window at Yixiong sitting in the yard, I felt a little reluctant to return it.

She is indeed a money fanatic.

But this is of great significance, she is not qualified to stay.

Bai Ningxiang blinked, and just about to pick it off, Baicha opened the door and came in, "Girl, I picked wild grapes on the mountain today, and I have washed them and put them in the yard. The master is waiting for the girl to go out and eat."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the white tea with a serious face, "Did you go up the mountain this afternoon?"

This girl, how did she explain that she couldn't leave her mother alone.

Seeing the girl's sudden cold expression, Baicha was taken aback. Thinking of what the girl told her to take care of Mrs. Gu on weekdays, the little girl turned pale.

"Girl... After Aunt Deng came back, the servants felt bored, so they just..."

(End of this chapter)

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