Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 199 Chrysanthemum yellow crab fat autumn is thick

Chapter 199 Chrysanthemum yellow crab fat autumn is thick

"You went out after Aunt Deng came back?" Seeing that Bai Cha was scared by herself, Bai Ningxiang felt annoyed and her voice softened a lot.

"Yes, I told Madam, and Madam agreed..." Bai Cha looked at the girl, feeling a little apprehensive.

"Since Madam has given permission and Aunt Deng is back, you can go out to play if you want, but you must remember that before Madam gives birth, you must not leave people by your side."

After all, Bai Cha was young, and there were some things she couldn't understand.The more this happened, the more she felt that there were too few people available at home, and the idea of ​​buying people came to her mind again.

It seems that this matter cannot be delayed, and she has to get this matter done before the mother gives birth.

During dinner, Mrs. Shen was obviously much happier than usual. Watching her daughter lower her head to eat the shrimp, besides shaking her head and laughing, she also helped to peel one from time to time.

"Eat slowly. If you like to eat, you can't eat it all the time. Shrimp and crab are cold things. It's not good to eat too much."

Listening to her mother's persuasion, Bai Ningxiang raised her head and smiled mischievously, "Don't worry, mother, I don't eat it often, and it's okay to eat once in a while."

As he said, he picked up another one and put it on the plate of his brother-in-law, and looked at him with a smile.

"Brother Yi, eat more, let's go back later, put a few more cages, and see if we can catch some crabs and come back to try them out. They say that chrysanthemum crabs are fat and thick in autumn. It would be a pity to miss them."

The river in front of my grandmother's house is called Qingyuan River, which sounds like "love".

Even aquatic products from the Qingyuan River are extremely popular. Anyway, they are good things if they have something to do with love and fate.

"You girl, why are you still so greedy? A girl, what's the matter with going down the river, isn't it a joke?"

Shen glared at her, then turned to look at Han Jing with an apologetic expression, "Ting... Brother Ting, don't listen to her nonsense, this girl said that the wind is the rain, no one is right."

After finishing speaking, Shen Shi was stunned for a while, and it didn't seem so difficult to say it smoothly.

Han Jing watched the girl wink at him, and nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, Auntie, even if you go, I will follow you, and you won't let Yimei go into the water. Besides, you are good at catching water, so let him do it when the time comes."

When Shen heard this, she glanced at her and nodded in relief, "Okay, I'm relieved to have you all following me."

Dazhuo said a few flattering words in a timely manner, and Shen Shi felt more at ease.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

What about the head of the family?

After dinner, the whole family sat in the yard to enjoy the moon and eat snacks.

Of course, the moon is not round enough, but there are many stars, blinking their eyes, making the night much more lively.

Shen's body is heavy now, and she gets sleepy after sitting for a while, "I'm a little tired, so don't stay up too late, go to bed early."

Bai Ningxiang and Aunt Deng helped her into the house, and waited for her mother to rest before coming out.

"I'm going to buy a few strong wives for the family, and I can't leave my mother alone." Even if I have children in the future, I can help them take care of them.

Han Jing poured her a cup of tea, "It's not impossible, but you have to pick some people with good character, otherwise, with my aunt's temper, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress it."

Even in big families, it is not uncommon for slaves to bully their masters.

Some slaves, after tasting the sweetness, became cruel.

Hearing her righteous brother's reminder, Bai Ningxiang nodded, "What you said is that you can't be cunning, but I'm afraid I won't be able to protect my mother if I'm honest and honest."

(End of this chapter)

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