Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 203 Dragon with Dragon and Phoenix with Phoenix

Chapter 203 Dragon with Dragon and Phoenix with Phoenix
"Mother, we don't lack this little money now, and Brother Yi promised to find us two nursing homes to send to us, both of whom have retired from the army. Even if I'm not at home in the future, there is no need to worry about the safety of the family. "

Listening to her daughter's plan, Shen pursed her lips, "Mother knows that you are a man of success, and mother has no objection, but our yard is probably not able to accommodate so many people, right?"

"I've thought about this a long time ago. Our yard can be regarded as an ancestral house. It's half new and not old. It's a pity to renovate it."

"The land at the foot of the village head mountain is nice. It's more than five acres. I'll go to the village chief to buy it later. Let's build a yard with two entrances. The rest can be used to build a factory for making tea."

After chatting with Yixiong last night, she lay in bed and began to plan. The tea garden expanded, and the tea factory should also be built.

Her future life will definitely run between the two ends of the tea garden and tea factory. To save trouble, it is better to build the yard directly near the tea factory. The two yards are arranged by her mother so that she can make money with peace of mind.

Hearing her daughter's plan, Shen shut up immediately, watched them leave before returning to the yard.

"Aunt Deng, don't you think our sister Xiang is too big-hearted?" She is building both a house and a factory. Can she be busy with a girl's family?
When Aunt Deng heard it, she pursed her lips and said happily, "After this spring, our sister's ability is obvious to all. Madam, just relax and give birth safely. The old madam has said that your blessings are in full swing. It's on my sister."

"You're right, but I always feel that Xiangxiang is too tired. A girl's family will eventually marry. She's too strong, and it will be troublesome in the future."

As Shen said, she shook her head helplessly. It's not good for a woman to be too strong. If she overwhelms a man in everything, I'm afraid life will be difficult.

Aunt Deng listened to Madam's worries, and shook her head silently, "Madam, don't you just say that our sister is successful. It is said that dragons match dragons, and phoenixes match phoenixes. Ordinary brothers are not good enough for us. Maybe our sister is the mother's life in that high gate compound."

"Pfft~, I usually think that Xiangxiang has a thick skin, but I didn't expect you to have an iron skin. How can you boast like this? It's unreliable."

To say who it belongs to, Shen finally feels a little relieved, if her daughter is capable, ordinary brothers would not dare to embarrass her.

An hour later, a group of people drove a carriage to the bank of Qingyuan River.

Looking at the green river water, lush aquatic plants, and occasionally clusters of reeds, wild ducks on the river, and some egrets standing among the aquatic plants, looking for small fish and shrimp hidden in the aquatic plants.

"Girl, we don't have any ground cages for the water, how do we catch them?" Bai Cha followed the girl with a troubled expression on his face. When he went out, he was so excited that he forgot to borrow some ground cages.

"What's the difficulty? Just go to the village and buy a few ground cages for half a coin. With the ground cages, we will come here often in the future. Big fish can't be caught, but eels and green shrimps like to drill into the cages."

"I still have a way, girl. I'll go right away. I passed by a house just now, and I saw someone drying fishing nets." Bai Cha agreed, and immediately called his brother to go with him.

Han Jing walked up to Bai Ningxiang, looked at Bai Cha who was running away chattering, and shook his head,

"This girl is too young and still uncertain. If she wants to take her out, she still needs to be trained."

(End of this chapter)

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