Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 204 Going to the Human Tooth Market

Chapter 204 Going to the Human Tooth Market
Hearing the brother's suggestion, Bai Ningxiang pursed her lips slightly. Baicha is her girl, and she will always follow her in the future. It is really necessary to learn the rules and manners, so that she will not be ridiculed when she goes out in the future.

"Brother Yi is right, but in our place, the nuns who understand the rules and etiquette are those with background. Even if there are nuns who are released, they will be invited away quickly. As for those who are neither high nor low, I I don’t want to, so I can only wait.”

Listening to her explanation, Han Jing nodded, "There really is no rush."

In fact, there is a nurturing nurse beside my mother, because my grandmother and the queen mother gave handkerchiefs, and got a nurturing nun. Now she is old and has been living in the mansion for the elderly.

Many aristocratic families in Qingdu wanted to mention it to their mother and invite their daughters to teach them how to behave, but they were all rejected.

It's fine if you speak up by yourself, but the old lady is not suitable for long journeys, so if you send the little girl to the general's mansion, it's fine.

It's just that the mother's test is difficult. If he is questioned, not only will his righteous sister be exposed, but his mother will also know what happened to him, and his grandfather may transfer him back to Qingdu.

"Girl, I bought cages, five of them."

Bai Cha ran over carrying a long ground cage, followed by Bai Wu.

"Okay, find a place where the water plants are tender and throw them in. Those shrimps and crabs like to eat tender grass roots. The chances of catching them are better. Mark the place where you put them in the ground cage, and you can pick them up tomorrow."

In one day and one night, it is good to be able to cook two dishes.

Seeing the excited look of the little girl, Bai Ningxiang shook her head, she was indeed still a child.

After putting away the ground cage, I played by the water for a while, and then went straight to the town.

Sitting in the carriage, the little girl became completely quiet. Thinking of the purpose of this trip, Bai Cha felt inexplicably in danger.
"Girl, after you bought the girl, do you want me to serve you?"

Said it was serving, except for bringing wash water and helping Aunt Deng pick vegetables, the rest really didn't do much, so when I asked, I was inexplicably guilty.

"You are my girl, and you will definitely follow me in the future. There is not enough manpower around Madam, so I just want to pick a few clever girls to help look after the children."

Bai Ningxiang rubbed her head, no matter what, she is the one who will accompany her to the end, and she is willing to treat her kindly in this life.

"That's good, that's good, girl, don't worry, I will help too." With the girl's promise, Baicha finally felt at ease.

As for Bai Wu's life experience, Bai Ningxiang had a headache. She knew that the two brothers and sisters were not simple. She also knew that Bai Wu had disappeared for half a year, and when he came back later, he became gloomy. Apart from obeying her own orders, she didn't say a word explain.

And her life was not happy, so she didn't ask.

As for whether there will be changes in the future, she can't say right now, so she can only take one step at a time.

But there is one thing she is sure of, the brothers and sisters have never betrayed her from the beginning to the end.

With the experience of buying a mountain top last time, Baining County went directly to Zhengde Dental Shop and found Wang Shirong.

"Oh, welcome girl, what can Wang do to help this time?"

The moment Wang Shirong saw Bai Ningxiang, his face was filled with smiles, despite his young age, he was his big customer.

Coupled with the young master who followed Miss Bai, he didn't dare to neglect her even more.

"I'm here to trouble you again. This time I want to pick a few smart girls. It's best if there are well-behaved girls. Please introduce a few."

(End of this chapter)

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