Chapter 205

"Miss Bai is polite, please wait a moment, I will bring all the suitable people to the hall, and let you have a look and choose by yourself."

After a while, a group of people filed in and stood in three rows, watching more than 20 people.

"You all stand still and raise your heads. If anyone falls into Miss Bai's eyes, it's your luck." Wang Shirong sternly reprimanded him as he watched the person stand upright.

Bai Ningxiang sat in the hall with her brother-in-law, drinking tea and chatting, observing the people standing from time to time.

As long as it is impetuous, filter it out directly.

Looking at Bai Ningxiang's posture, Wang Shirong narrowed his eyes, and he hadn't seen her for a few days. The girl's aura was stronger than before.

"I don't know if there is anyone in your eyes among these people?"

"It looks quite clean and neat. As for whether the person is good or not, we have to take a closer look."

Bai Ningxiang was not in a hurry, took a leisurely sip of tea, then slowly got up, and looked over one by one, among these people, the youngest was seven or eight years old, and the oldest was over 40 years old.

When Bai Ningxiang walked in front of them, some courageous ones immediately showed a flattering smile.

"Girl, did you buy me? I can make clothes and embroider." The woman who spoke was eighteen or nineteen years old, a fancy age.

One person spoke, and the rest followed suit. Some could cook, some would go to the fields, and even a girl said that she had a lot of firepower and could warm the bed for the master.

Among them, there are two good-looking ones who have been aiming at the brother-in-law, looking at him eagerly, with watery eyes and small hooks.

Bai Ningxiang's face darkened immediately, and she glanced at Wang Shirong, "Wang Yaji, you don't teach rules in this dental practice?"

When the guests questioned the rules, Wang Shirong blushed, and directly angrily yelled at them, "Things that have no rules, how can they be presumptuous in front of the nobles."

As he spoke, he pointed directly at the few who spoke just now, "If you break the rules in front of the nobleman, it's useless to stay, let's go down."

A few girls and women were led down by Xiao Er, and the remaining fifteen or six people stood in front of Bai Ningxiang with their heads slightly lowered, and no one dared to speak nonsense.

Bai Ningxiang walked around and directly picked out five maids and two women. She said they were women, but they were actually Xu Nian's age in her 30s and a half.

Wang Shirong asked Xiaoer to take the rest of the people down, and he still sat quietly by the side, waiting for Bai Ningxiang to make his own decision.

"Tell me about your situation?"

Bai Ningxiang sat down and asked softly.She doesn't want a complicated life experience, it's too troublesome.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and did not dare to speak for a moment, and finally the two women spoke under Wang Shirong's signal.

"My maid's name is Wang Sanniang. She never had a child after she got married. She was divorced by her husband, and her parents died. My elder brother thought I was ashamed, so he sold me."

"Gao Yue'e from my slave's family is similar to Sanniang, except that I was sold by my husband's family because I gave birth to two sons in succession and both died. My husband's family thinks my slave's family is unlucky, and my mother's family has no one... "..."

The other girls were either sold by their uncles, or they had a lot of children and sold their daughters in order to marry their sons.

Bai Ningxiang also understands that the dental shops in the town are almost all in these situations, each has its own hardships, each has its own difficulties, and they are pitiful and have no energy.

In the end, Bai Ningxiang bought Wang Sanniang and the other two girls.

"Since you have all been abandoned by your birth family, don't worry about it in the future. My family is simple and there are no complicated thoughts, as long as you do your duty. But if I find that you are ungrateful to the Lord, don't blame me for being cruel."

(End of this chapter)

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