Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 255: The Right and Wrong Caused by Knocking Your Teeth

Chapter 255: The Right and Wrong Caused by Knocking Your Teeth
"Mrs. Lou is here. I'm very excited. Xiangxiang didn't bother you, did she?"

Shen looked at Mrs. Lou, and she didn't hide her joy at all. Originally, she didn't report any hope, but she didn't expect that Xiangxiang really invited people here.

"Madam Bai, you're welcome, Xiangxiang is fine." On the way back, Bai Ningxiang had already given an overview of the situation at home.

Mrs. Lou is well-informed, so she naturally understands the meaning.

Now that she's here, she always has to check on Shen's physical condition, and after feeling her pulse, she nods,
"Your physical foundation is very good. Although your mood fluctuated a lot in the early stage, fortunately, you took care of it well in the later stage. The fetus is very healthy. Based on your physical condition, it should be a few days earlier."

Shen Shi listened, her heart finally fell, her eyes were slightly red, "Mrs. Lou is right, my hard pregnancy, if it wasn't for Xiangxiang to protect me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be so good... I'm relieved now, thank you."

Mrs. Lou nodded, but didn't say much.

After she came back, Bai Ningxiang started to get busy again, but she put the white tea over and helped Yanxia temporarily, and let her get acquainted with the environment here by the way.

After Mrs. Lou stayed at home for two days, she followed Bai Ningxiang to the tea garden. After familiarizing herself with the route, she went without someone to take her.

In the tea garden, Bai Ningxiang built a tea house with vines. Except for the sun-shading roof, there are no fences around, and the view is excellent.

Only once, Mrs. Lou fell in love with this place.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and every morning, Bai Ningxiang would go to the village several times. Apart from checking the progress, if there was anything that needed to be purchased, she would be able to get someone to buy it in time.

This morning, as soon as Bai Ningxiang finished speaking with Master Li, she saw a carriage getting off the official road.

When she saw the small pot driving the car, Bai Ningxiang understood that Zhao Xian was here.

Xiao Guanzi turned around and told the car, Zhao Xian jumped out of the car, "Sister Ningxiang, I'm here."

"Okay, let's sit at home," Bai Ningxiang greeted her godmother, and took Zhao Xian home.

Apart from a few sisters-in-law and a few women who were not busy picking vegetables with Mrs. Li, they stared at Zhao Xian for a long time and couldn't help but click their tongues twice.

"Sister-in-law, you are a great daughter-in-law. You know so many people. That young man looks like a rich man."

"Tch, if Miss Xiang wasn't great, she would have built such a big house. The Niu family, you just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

"Tsk tsk~, what is sour, no matter what, Sister Xiang is also a girl's house, let the young master find it back in person, this relationship..."

Before the Niu family's daughter-in-law could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Mrs. Li.

"Niu Pang's family, he ate shit in the morning or fell into the cesspit, and his words are so stinky. His friends came here openly, and Miss Xiang greeted each other openly and treated each other with courtesy. What is there to talk about?"

"If there is really some shady relationship, which one is not tucked away, afraid that people will see it? When you meet someone, you can't wait to go into the doghouse and rush to the sheepfold?"

Li Shi said, looking at Niu Pang's family with unclear meaning, and what he said made the rest of the people blush.

"Look at what the elder sister-in-law said? I really don't mean anything else. Isn't this just chatting your teeth when you are idle and have nothing to do? Why are you still annoyed?"

Niu Fatty's daughter-in-law was blushed by Li Shi's slander, she stood up immediately, and sprinted far away.

Seeing her running away in despair, everyone burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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