Chapter 256

"Haha... It's not that the whole family doesn't come into the house, these two couples are a perfect match."

"That's right, I can't clean up the mess of the Niu Pang couple in this life, but they deserve it. Who made them rush? Obviously, their parents have started talking about their wedding date, and these two people secretly meet in private."

"I was regarded as a pig thief by my old father-in-law, and the whole village was recruited to catch the thief with drums and gongs. As a result, Niu Fatty, who was timid and timid, hid directly in the doghouse, haha... "

Seeing everyone changing the subject, Mrs. Li breathed a sigh of relief.
"Being upright is not afraid of the shadow slanting. The situation in Sister Xiang's family is like this. If you stick to the details, you can just wait to starve to death. My father-in-law has already said that Sister Xiang is a bitter child, but she is definitely not a thing in the pool. "

Although the crowd didn't quite understand, but since it was the patriarch who spoke, Xiang girl must be very powerful, and no one was ashamed to say anything else.

After taking the lead to the house and saying hello to Mrs. Shen, the two sat and drank tea in the yard.

"Here, here you are." Zhao Xian put down the teacup, took a box from the small pot, and put it in front of Bai Ningxiang, his eyes were full of excitement.

"600 taels?" Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, it was 100 taels higher than she expected.

"Hehe... You haven't seen the scene at that time. The faces of the old gluttons were red. Although they were divided equally in the end, it also made Uncle's Yunwu Fairy famous, and the money was earned."

Thinking of the scene the day before yesterday, Zhao Xian still couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart. Seeing Bai Ningxiang's interested expression, he described the scene at that time in detail.

"My uncle and I warmed up for two days in advance, and specially posted a post for a few old gourmets. When they got together, we asked the best tea doctor in the tea shop to cook tea for them on the spot, tasting the fragrance... The old gourmets are all kinds of masters, and they can tell good or bad when they smell it, and they are rushing to take it home."

"Later, my uncle and I both lived in the same county. We could not offend anyone and wanted to sell at a high price, so we had to choose an auction. Give it to the three people who didn't take pictures, of course, each person will only give one brew, five grams of tea."

Listening to Zhao Xian's uncle and nephew's plan, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but curl her lower lip.

"Later, the four old gourmets looked at my uncle's style. They summed up the sum and stopped taking pictures. One person got two taels and divided it. In addition to the one or two tea that was consumed, my uncle still had one or two hidden in his hand."

"60 taels of silver and one tael of tea. My uncle said that I can't let my sister suffer, so I just make up for 600 taels, which just makes up the whole."

Zhao Xian said, shaking the fan in his hand embarrassingly, "Borrowing my sister's tea made Yun Wuxian feel relieved. My uncle was so happy that he wanted to come to see him, but I stopped him."

Looking at Zhao Xian's excitement from inside and outside, needless to say, the relationship between uncle and nephew is very good.

"Thank you, it was agreed at the time, all I need is money." Now is not the time for her to gain fame, so it's better to keep a low profile.

"You're welcome, sister. My uncle said that if you have good tea in the future, just go to him and he will definitely sell you a good price... Sister, do you still have this tea?"

Thinking of his uncle's expectant eyes, Zhao Xian hesitated for a moment, then licked his face and asked.

"There's still a little bit left, but I'm not going to take it out." It's reserved for the brother-in-law, and he won't sell it for any money.

(End of this chapter)

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