Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 285 I Want To Visit Your Boudoir

Chapter 285 I Want To Visit Your Boudoir

They are all the same age as flowers, and everyone likes beautiful silk flowers.

Everyone took one each, and put it on their temples with a smile, "Thank you Xiangxiang, it's so pretty."

"You picked out all the good ones, and we don't want the bad ones left."

Sanniang's mouth was full, only to find that there were only two silk flowers left in the box, one big red peony and one purple peony, and she was immediately dissatisfied.

Although the last two flowers are quite beautiful, when I think that they were left by someone, I feel uncomfortable.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the jujube cake in front of the two of them. Because there were so many people, there were eight pieces of white tea in a plate, and now there was only one piece left.

"Is the jujube cake delicious?"


Sanniang said, before the second sister stretched out her hand, she squeezed the last piece into her hand, "It's just a little bit."

"You two shared a plate of jujube cake, but the rest of the people didn't eat a piece. It's not wrong for others to take the silk flowers first." Bai Ningxiang smiled and said truthfully.

The two froze for a moment, and Er Niang blushed when she was told that she reached out to pick up a purple silk flower, "I think this color is very pretty."

Sanniang pursed her lips, "It's only good-looking that is left behind by others."

"Have you left us a piece of jujube cake? If you don't like it, you don't have to, and no one forces you." Huajiao couldn't bear the embarrassment of the two, and snorted coldly.

"Who told you not to grab it? Blame me. It's not yours. Mind your own business."

Sanniang quickly took the last silk flower in her hand, rolled her eyes at Zanthoxylum bungeanum, and snorted.

"Hmph, cheeky." Huajiaofan gave her a supercilious look, turned around, and ignored her.

Erniang tugged on Third Sister's arm, and smiled,
"Sister Xiang prepared all good things, there is nothing good or bad. By the way, Sister Xiang, I heard that your boudoir is very beautiful. Can we go and have a look?"

Bai Ningxiang raised her head, looked at the expectation in Erniang's eyes, and smiled,
"I just moved today. The house hasn't been tidied up. It's a mess. There's not even a place to sit. I'll invite you to sit in another day after I clean it up."

"What's the matter with you two, we are here as guests, how could any guest take the initiative to drill into other people's houses?"

Huajiao looked at the two of them and stood up straight away, "Xiangxiang, you've been tired all day, we've bothered you for so long, it's time to go."

As she spoke, she didn't wait for Bai Ningxiang to answer, she directly dragged her sister to the front yard, and complained under her breath.

"It's a shame to be with them."

The three sisters of Da Ya have always been a supporting presence. Seeing Huajiao walking, they smiled at Bai Ningxiang and followed.

Bai Ningxiang and Erniang and Sanniang were left alone staring at each other.

"Everyone is gone, let's go to the front yard too."

Bai Ningxiang stood up, her eyes were full of smiles, the little girl Huajiao is really a firecracker, she's ready for anything, and there's no room for sand in her eyes.

Although the two were unwilling, they had no choice but to stomp their feet and follow them. After walking about ten steps, they couldn't help but look back.

Before coming, my mother explained that she would find a way to sneak into Sister Xiang's house to see if there was any good stuff.

When everyone came to the front yard, Aunt Hua knew something was up when she saw the girl's appearance, and then she saw Er Niang and San Niang coming in with their lips pouting.

"Hey, what's the matter? It was fine when I went out, but I started bickering after a while?"

"Mother~, you don't know how much Erniang and Sanniang go too far. Sometimes they say that the mung bean cake is not sweet enough, and sometimes they think that the red date cake is not enough..."

 Today's eight thousand updates are complete~~
(End of this chapter)

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