Chapter 286 Chapter 86
Hearing her mother's question, the prickly ash and bamboo tube was poured with beans, and she told what happened in the backyard, and finally turned her head, still angry.

"Xiangxiang has already said that the room hasn't been tidied up yet. It's a bit messy and not suitable for entertaining guests. They still don't want to, so they insist on drilling in."

Everyone listened and glanced at each other. They were all speechless. The host didn't take the initiative to invite, and the guest seemed rude when he opened his mouth.

Sun's face was also startled, and then he shook off the veil,
"Hey, what am I supposed to do? Don't the two sisters envy Xiang girl's boudoir? Don't say they are curious, even I want to see it quickly. Sister Xiang, don't you think so?"

Everyone: "..."

Yes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

The patriarch and old lady glanced at Mrs. Sun, and said solemnly,
"Cough cough... Mrs. Sun, your mother-in-law is gone. As an uncle, I can still say something to you. I will teach my sisters and children at home that they are all at the age of engagement and marriage, so they can't be talked about. .”

After all, with Sun's temperament, she can't even control herself, how can she discipline her sister?

It seems that later she has to mention to the third child that the elder brother in the family is important, and the elder sister will also marry in the future, so people cannot say that the elder sister of the Bai family has no tutor.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Sun's blushing face, and suppressed a smile, really feeling like a big fish eating a small fish.

The patriarch's wife saw that the mother and daughter were disgraceful, and didn't stay for long, so she got up and said goodbye. Once she left, others were too embarrassed to stay, so they said goodbye and left together.

Shen followed her daughter to send the guests outside the door,

"Uncle, on the twentieth of this month, it happens to be my brother Xing's [-]-day banquet. I discussed with Xiangxiang that the hot pot banquet will be held together with the [-]-day banquet. I will send the invitation to my home in advance. At that time, please ask the uncle to sit in charge of the nephew and daughter-in-law."

The patriarch's wife looked at Shen's rosy face and nodded, "Don't worry, although the old lady can't do anything else, it's okay to help greet the guests."

"Hey, then I'll thank auntie first." Chen nodded with a smile.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Sun blinked, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I'm fine, so I'll come to help you when the time comes?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at her mother's forced smile, and chuckled softly, "Auntie, there are servants at home, and they don't need to help, so just come and have a glass of wedding wine."

"Oh, it's our sister Xiang who can talk, and it makes me feel comfortable." Mrs. Sun replied with a smile, and left contentedly.

Several people looked at Sun's scoundrel and shook their heads. This man's face became thicker, comparable to the corner of a city wall.

Shen Shi hadn't been so tired for a long time. When she returned to the backyard, she lay directly on the Arhat bed and asked Aunt Deng to squeeze her waist and shoulders.

"After giving birth to Brother Xing, I always feel that my body has deteriorated. If I move a little, I feel back pain."

"If madam feels tired, you can take a longer rest. Fortunately, there is a girl to support you. You only need to show up at my brother's hundred-day banquet and talk with everyone."

Aunt Deng held the beauty hammer in her hand and tapped lightly.

Shen shook her head, "I'll write an invitation later, and you will personally deliver it to my mother, so that she can come here early, so that I won't be in a panic that day."


Next, everyone in the family is busy preparing for the banquet. Chicken, duck, fish, poultry, eggs, and vegetables can all be bought in the village, but pork and mutton need to go to the town.

(End of this chapter)

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