Chapter 309

After that, Lao Bai looked at Meng's shocked expression, and Lao Bai stared at her fiercely.

"Meng Shi, did you do something that disgusted Sister Xiang?"

Being stared at by her mother-in-law, Meng Shi was so nervous that she was going to die, but she kept trying to be tense, determined not to admit it, otherwise she would die without a burial.

"Mother, you have wronged me. I stay at home every day and don't even go out. What can I do?"

"It's best not to have it. Even if you have it, you have to put it away. You also know Miss Xiang's temperament. There is a lesson from the old three. If you are not afraid of being disabled, just pass your claws. When the time comes, you will be chopped off. Come and cry in front of the old woman."

"You have also seen that Xiang girl has separated from us. Just from today's banquet, it can be seen that the chief's family is the patriarch's family."

Hearing the old lady's reminder, everyone had mixed expressions.

Especially Bai Er, his eyes rolled wildly, "Mother, you are in the backyard today, did you hear how Sister Xiang got involved with the county magistrate?"

"I don't know, that Nanny Wang is a formidable person at first glance. Don't look like a servant, she has a tall posture. Your uncle always speaks cautiously when talking to others. You can't be cautious."

Only Sister Xiang can talk freely and doesn't care about the identity of the other party.

It was at that moment that she deeply realized that Sister Xiang was no longer on the same level as them.

Therefore, keeping a distance between the two parties may not be a good thing.

It is said that the smell is far away and the near is smelly. Maybe in the future, sister Xiang will reach out to help them because of their safety.

Bai Er was helpless, he sat at the banquet today, tried to talk to Patriarch Zhao several times, but was stopped by the patriarch intentionally or unintentionally.

In such a scene, as a junior, he couldn't choke, otherwise he would be rude.

What a great opportunity to make friends, but I was delayed for a lifetime, and I was angry thinking about it.

"Mother, now that Sister Xiang is very powerful, we can no longer hold on to the past. With her connections, she might be able to get married. At that time, even if my sister-in-law uses half of the tea garden as a dowry, it will be fine." Acceptable."

"Which daughter-in-law of a high-ranking family doesn't have any private property in her hands?"

Lao Bai looked into his son's eyes and knew what was going on in his heart without guessing.

"Second brother, I advise you to put aside your scheming and stay away from sister Xiang. If you really encounter trouble, just ask for help honestly. Maybe you can help me. Otherwise, you and the third child will meet again. It's a fate."

After being broken by the old lady, Bai Laoer was guilty and also a little annoyed.

"Mother, I'm her second uncle. Apart from planning for her, what can I plan on her? Besides, if conditions permit, shouldn't she support her own people? It's only good for her if her family is successful. "

"I think Sister Xiang just can't figure it out now. She is still too young after all. When she figures it out, she will know how important her mother's family is."

Lao Bai looked at his second son's stubbornness, and waved his hands speechlessly, "Since you are all paying attention, let's break up, as an old woman, I didn't say anything, everyone has his own luck, I will take care of him again." We're going to have a grudge."

Bai Ningxiang didn't know what happened in Sanfang, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

In the next few days, they began to welcome the New Year.There are too many things consumed at the banquet, and some ingredients need to be added for the New Year.

Grandma lived until the 23rd year, before Bai Wu sent her back.

 Send it out early today, and go out for dinner at noon *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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