Chapter 310 New Years
Now that there are a lot of people in the family, Bai Ningxiang only needs to be brave enough to buy things for the New Year and hand them over to Bai Wu for the purchase, and she doesn't have to worry about the rest.

In the blink of an eye, the New Year is here.

Because of the addition of people, the house is a little more lively, but there are some rules that must be followed, just like the Spring Festival couplets at home, you can’t use red paper, you need to use purple couplets.

Anyone who puts up purple couplets means that the family has not taken off their clothes, and there are more taboos when going out and going in, and they should not be too noisy.

Bai Ningxiang and her mother asked people to prepare a lot of candies early, and a red envelope of three pennies each, to bring good luck to the children who came to visit for New Year's greetings.

The Shen family's seniority is not too high in the village, even so, there are quite a few brothers and sisters of the following generation, and there are always people who come to the house to pay New Year's greetings, especially those children, who are happy after receiving the red seal. The yelling, therefore, attracted groups of children.

During the Chinese New Year, the more people come to the family, the more popular the family will be, and the luck will be good in the coming year, so they are not stingy with a small red envelope. After one day, Shen's gave out a small [-] copies, and the candies also disappeared in two pots .

On a big festival like the Chinese New Year, everyone hopes to go out to see the joy and say auspicious words to each other.

Bai Ningxiang's mother and daughter, who were still in their filial piety, didn't go out to pay New Year's greetings, so as not to offend someone unintentionally.

Fortunately, the yard at home is large, and people come and go without interruption, but it doesn't seem deserted.

During the period, Bai Ningxiang also received a few younger sisters of the same age, talked and drank tea with them, and spent the New Year eating, drinking, visiting relatives and friends.

After the Lantern Festival, even if the New Year is over, farmers also start to prepare for spring plowing.

She still has a water chestnut peak in her hand that needs to be opened up, and a lot of tea seedlings need to be cultivated, so she has no time to spare in the next few days.

However, with the experience of opening up wasteland last time, she only needs to lead Bai Wu and several people to slice the mountain fields, mark them, contract them out, and let people open them to form terraced fields. They only need to check and accept the results.

Knowing that Bai Ningxiang was going to open up wasteland, the villagers responded positively. Before the spring plowing began, they all wanted to earn some pocket money.

But Lingjiao Peak is a bit far from Bashan Village, nearly [-] miles away. For safety reasons, Bai Ningxiang only recruits male workers, not female workers.

I'm afraid that they will rush out early and return late in order to catch up with work. If something happens, it will be in big trouble.

Moreover, she has already publicized it in the local village, and there are quite a few villagers nearby, so she doesn't need to look far away.

But as soon as the news came out, it was Aunt Osmanthus who popped up first, and she still counted on the three daughters to earn some copper coins to supplement the family before the spring plowing.

After receiving the news, she ran over without any delay, "Sister Xiang, how did Auntie hear that you don't accept female workers for land reclamation? Is it because people in the village are spreading rumors and talking nonsense?"

Seeing Aunt Osmanthus' eager expression, Bai Ningxiang was helpless,
"Don't worry, Auntie. The mountain fields that have been reclaimed this time are far away from our village, twenty or thirty miles away. After all, it's not safe for the girl to go out early and return late at home. Wouldn't it be troublesome if you meet a bum from another village?"

There are not many bums who sneak around in any village. The eldest and the second are both sixteen or seventeen years old, and they have already reached the age of marriage.

The three Wang Daya sisters are well-known in the village as capable and diligent, but they are unreliable parents.

(End of this chapter)

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