Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 318 Betting on a Bet, You Need to Look Out

Chapter 318 Betting on a Bet, You Need to Look Out

I heard that the student surnamed Jiang was not of good character. Apart from plotting against his sister-in-law, he seemed to have provoked other little girls before he chose a small business like the Zhang family.

Like that kind of poor student whose heart is higher than the sky and whose life is thinner than paper, he can do it himself without him doing it.

However, in order to reassure the righteous sister, it is not troublesome to check the list.

"This year's Chunwei seems to have admitted 260 people. The high school list should have been announced a long time ago. It is not difficult to get more detailed information. I will give you a letter of divorce. Zixian just happened to be stranded in Qingdu, so let him check it out. "

Hearing the suggestion of her brother-in-law, Bai Ningxiang blinked her eyes, "Okay, I just want to know if a scum like that can go to high school."

Looking at the warm eyes of her righteous brother, Bai Ningxiang didn't hide anything, and narrated Jiang Wenxue's plot against her.

"That man looks like a small belly, and he will repay his temper. I not only let Bai Wu beat him up, but also put him in a sack and hurt his fingers. If he gains power, he will definitely retaliate against me, so I have been asking Zhao Xian to help me keep an eye on him. .”

"So far, apart from Chen Yuan High School in Chenjiabuzhuang, I haven't heard about Jiang Wenxue. I'm afraid that if he makes small moves like Zhongju, I will be the one who will suffer."

Han Jing looked at her swollen look, couldn't help but gently stroked her head,
"Silly girl, do you think Qing is such an easy mess? He has no background, no contacts, and it's hard to climb up. If he is going to be unlucky, it will only happen in the blink of an eye."

For no reason, no one is stupid, instead of promoting a person with no background, it is better to work for one's own people, even a collateral student who is out of the fifth server, is better than a humble student who has nothing.

Like the betting games that have emerged in the past two years, they are mostly the favorite things of wealthy businessmen.

Those people have a lot of money, and if they leak their fingers, they can sponsor a dozen poor students. First, they can gain a good reputation for themselves. Second, if that one wins, they can count as an extra network. They say that there are people in the court who are good. Doing business is a matter of multiple contacts.

Besides, how many of those merchants who can make a lot of money for themselves are stupid?Even if you are betting, you have to choose someone with good qualifications, otherwise it is not a bet but a joke by your peers.

With Jiang Wenxue's qualifications, apart from being famous in the town, no one would look up to him outside of this land.

Bai Ningxiang listened to her brother-in-law's analysis, and finally let go of her heart. Seeing that the green tea was almost dry, she put it away, rushed to the tea garden, and started making tea.

When Han Jing became interested, he immediately followed, even Feng Yi was not spared. With the addition of Xiao Nan and Bai Cha, the speed was indeed much faster.

When they dragged their exhausted bodies back home, it was already Zishi, and during this period of time, Shen took care of the rear, and she had prepared food, drink and wash in advance.

"You're exhausted. Today, the kitchen has stewed old duck and winter bamboo shoot soup. You should eat more of the recipe left by Mrs. Lou, so you don't get tired."

As Shen said, each served a bowl, and served some delicate side dishes, a pot of fragrant rice,

"Brother Ting, eat more. It's hard work coming all the way, and I'm busy working with Xiangxiang until midnight. I don't know what to say."

Han Jing smiled gently, "We all have the physique of practicing martial arts, so this bit of hard work is nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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