Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 319 Zhao Xian came to give money

Chapter 319 Zhao Xian came to give money
"Then you should eat more. My buddies are active and get hungry quickly."

After Shen finished speaking, she took Qiuniang to prepare a guest room for Han Jing. There are three rooms in the east wing of the front yard, with suites on the left and right, absolutely enough to live in.

After eating and drinking enough, half of the midnight has passed, but fortunately they don't have to get up early, otherwise they will be exhausted.

Because of Han Jing's arrival, the family was much more lively.

After the reclamation of the mountain fields at Lingjiao Peak was completed, Bai Ningxiang handed over the task of purchasing tea greens to Bai Wu, and asked the boy to concentrate on making tea.

During this period, Bai Lao Er and Bai Lao San sold their own tea greens to Bai Ningxiang, and they all spoke in a well-behaved manner, without showing any signs of trouble.

This made Bai Ningxiang very satisfied, whether it was because of her own warning or Han Jing's intimidation, as long as they didn't cause trouble for her.

After some hard work, Mingqian tea cloud and nectar was made.

All the purchased tea greens were fermented by Xiaonan into Gongfu black tea, and the yield is still spectacular.

Mingqian tea is completed, followed by Grain Rain tea, and the interval between each solar term is less than half a month, so they can't be free before the beginning of summer.

Even the lunch at noon was prepared by Qiuniang and sent to the mountain.

At noon that day, Bai Ningxiang transported the finished dry tea down the mountain, put it in the warehouse that had been prepared, and had lunch at home by the way.

Just as he was about to have a cup of tea and went up the mountain, Dahai, the gatekeeper, came in to report, "Miss, Mr. Zhao is asking to see you."

"please come in,"

Bai Ningxiang got up, and took a few steps forward to meet Zhao Xian, who had already rushed in. When he saw Han Jing, he paused,
"I pay my respects to General Han."

Han Jing raised her eyebrows. The moment she saw Zhao Xian, the warmth on her face was replaced by coldness.

"Excuse me, you don't have to call the general when you are out of the house."

Zhao Xian was taken aback, looked at Ningxiang girl, saw her wink to him, understood, "Thank you Mr. Han for reminding me."

"Why are you free today, isn't your house busy?" Bai Ningxiang poured him a cup of tea and asked. .

"My father is watching over the tea factory at home, the housekeeper is watching over the purchase of tea greens, and the rest of the chores are done by the family's servants. I have nothing to do."

Zhao Xian chuckled, glanced at Han Jing who was sitting firmly next to him, and hesitated whether to sit down and talk.

"It's been a long journey, let's sit down and talk."

Bai Ningxiang watched him keep sneaking glances at her brother-in-law, and felt amused in her heart, the guy who is usually very annoying, was afraid of brother-in-law unexpectedly.

"Hey, thank you sister."

Zhao Xian smiled embarrassingly, he was a coward in his heart, he had no choice but to sit next to an iron-blooded general, it shouldn't be a shame for him to be timid.

"I'm just here to ask, the Qingming Festival is over, and it's time for the tea sister to make it before tomorrow, why didn't someone send it over there? Those veterans of the tea shop have already asked, and they have been waiting to taste this year's new cloud and mist nectar. .”

Zhao Xian looked at Bai Ningxiang helplessly, as soon as he went to the tea shop, shopkeeper Dong would drag him and talk endlessly, he was also entangled and had no choice but to run there.

Bai Ningxiang was surprised, but also understood,
"Last year you couldn't make new tea in time because of bandits. This year there is no such hidden danger. Your tea factory is producing normally. Do you still want to accept my tea?"

"Ah? Sister, what do you mean? Didn't it be agreed a long time ago that my family will take as much tea as you have in your hand? How did you change your mind?"

Zhao Xian didn't expect Bai Ningxiang to give him such an answer, so he stood up after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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