Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 322 Schadenfreude

Chapter 322 Schadenfreude
"By the way, girl, that Jiang Wen..."

Seeing Han Jing sitting firmly next to him, Zhao Xian almost bit his tongue.

He looked at Bai Ningxiang with embarrassment, with guilt and anxiety in his eyes, and regret in his heart, he must have been stunned by the money just now, so he spoke unrestrainedly, why did he mention other men in front of General Han?
"What's wrong with Jiang Wenxue? You won't be taking advantage of it again?" Bai Ningxiang didn't care about Zhao Xian's eyes, and sat directly opposite him.

Zhao Xian looked at Han Jing's normal expression, and heaved a sigh of relief.
"No, that Jiang Wenxue failed the rankings and came back in despair. My people have been keeping an eye on his house. As soon as that guy appeared, I got the news. It's very lively."

Hearing Zhao Xian's schadenfreude tone, Bai Ningxiang's heart sank completely, thinking of the Zhang family's support, she couldn't help but gloat.

"After failing the ranking, the Zhang family is afraid that they will have opinions?"

"My sister is right. When Wang Wenxue returned home, the Zhang family got the news. After inquiring about the situation, they left faceless at that time. Jiang Wenxue saw that the Yue family didn't give him face, so he had a big fight with his wife. That girl is not easy to mess with, she made a fuss on the spot."

Bai Ningxiang listened to this kind of gossip, her eyes sparkled, and she looked interested.
"After that, was Jiang Wenxue kicked out?"

Based on her understanding of Jiang Wenxue, if she suddenly had money, she would definitely not treat herself badly, and she should pay for everything in terms of food and drink.This scientific examination must have cost the Zhang family a lot of money, and now he is still living in the house given by the Zhang family, and he has failed the exam again. I am afraid that life will be difficult.

"No, I heard that she dropped a lot of things, and said that the girl from the Zhang family has no morals. She said that marrying a chicken is like a chicken, and marrying a dog like a dog. In the end, the girl from the Zhang family made a lot of sarcasm."

When Zhao Xian talked about other people's gossip, his whole body was full of excitement.

"Jiang's mother was very strong when she scolded people, even though she was weak. In the end, she pissed off the girl of Zhang's family and packed up their things and threw them at the door. The two of them were afraid and didn't dare to make trouble anymore."

Bai Ningxiang: "...The girl from the Zhang family is amazing."

At least stronger than himself, the Jiang family mother and son are typically bullying and afraid of the weak, but he has always cared about filial piety and forbearance.If she had been like a girl from the Zhang family back then, wouldn't the ending be different?

That's not right. In the last life, Jiang Wenxue was in high school. Although he was the last Jinshi, he was still considered a Jinshi.

"Who says it's not? The Zhang family spends money and effort, and in the end the bamboo basket is empty. It can be described as disappointment?" Zhao Xian shook his head, and there will be troubles in the future.

He is a person who likes to watch the excitement and amuse himself, and originally wanted to make trouble in private, but now there is no need.

"As long as you don't win, it's fine, and you don't have to worry about how you make trouble in the future."

Bai Ningxiang picked up the tea, and glanced secretly at the brother-in-law who had been silent all this time. She was overjoyed, and wondered if brother-in-law would think that she had a bad sex when she fell into a well?
"Ahem... Mrs. Chen should be happy now. Chen Yuan's ranking is so high, he might be appointed directly."

"We don't know if he is appointed or not, but Chen Yuan won't come back for a while. Think about it, students from all over the country gather in Qingdu, and they are on the list. Banquets must be indispensable. If you can take the opportunity to make friends with some dignitaries, you will be able to go on an official career in the future." Can be smoother."

He still asked his uncle to inquire about Chen Yuan's news, and it was absolutely unmistakable.

 Before the Tang Dynasty, one stone = 120 catties, one catty = 16 taels, and one tael = 24 baht.

  In the Song Dynasty, the baht was abolished and changed to: one catty = ten taels, one tael = 50 grams.

  In order to be more intuitive, I choose the unit of measurement after the Song Dynasty, market value.Not much has changed from what it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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