Chapter 323 Freshmen
After seeing off Zhao Xian, when Bai Ningxiang came back, she saw her righteous brother still sitting there drinking tea calmly, his face was as steady as an old dog's, showing no sign of happiness or anger.

As expected of a general, he is steady.

"Brother Yi, are you tired? If you are tired, go to the house and lie down for a while."

In fact, Bai Ningxiang was a little guilty because she cared too much about Jiang Wenxue's situation. She was a little carried away just now and didn't control her emotions well. What if the righteous brother thinks that she has bad intentions?
Han Jing came back to her senses, and looked at the little girl's cautious and ingratiating appearance, her bright eyes flickered with a faint light.

"Girl, you pay too much attention to Jiang Wenxue, that kind of person is not worth your trouble."

After all, Han Jing also understood in her heart that after all, she was a girl, and she had a grudge against someone, so she was afraid.

Although he understood, he still felt uncomfortable. In the final analysis, he, the righteous brother, failed to fulfill his responsibility and failed to protect her.

Being stared at by her brother-in-law, Bai Ningxiang felt so guilty when she thought about all the things in her previous life, she could only lower her head silently.

"Brother Yi, I was wrong. Jiang Wenxue has already received his retribution, and it is really not worth paying attention to him."

Looking at her appearance, Han Jing frowned, this girl is not a character who is easily subdued.

"It's good to know. Now that we've reached this point, Brother Yi will tell you one more thing. It's better to offend a gentleman than a villain."

People who behave like villains think about revenge all the time. In ordinary life, who can guard against others every day?

"Listening to Zhao Xian's narration, Jiang Wenxue's life may be difficult in the future. If you want to continue to rely on the Zhang family, you can only clamp your tail and be careful. He has lost the opportunity to retaliate against you. Just do your own thing." Just fine."

Han Jing looked at the top of Bai Ningxiang's head, raised her hand and rubbed it, with undisguised pity in her eyes.

Bai Ningxiang raised her head, looked at the brother-in-law who had recovered, and nodded obediently, "Well, I will listen to brother-in-law."

Brother Yi was right, she couldn't let herself get caught up in Jiang Wenxue's entanglements, she had already been reborn, and it would be good for her to let everything go with the wind.

She wants to start a brand new life, and live a good life. She can't let anything in her previous life affect her, otherwise, rebirth will be meaningless to her.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang's eyes suddenly became clear, and her big eyes radiated an unprecedented light.

Heart is also at this moment, suddenly enlightened.

Han Jing just watched the little girl transform in front of him. The lifelessness before had disappeared, and now she was full of vigor and vitality.

Now she looks like a real 16-year-old girl.

Seeing the wholehearted trust in the little girl's eyes, Han Jing's heart warmed up, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously. He found that as long as he was with this girl, he could always mobilize his few remaining emotions.

Thinking of this, Han Jing raised his hand and gestured in the void.

In the blink of an eye, a girl in a black dress appeared in front of the two of them.

"Meet the master."

Han Jing nodded, turned to look at Bai Ningxiang,
"Girl, you will go out early and come back late in the future. It is not safe to have no one around you who can kung fu. Although there is Bai Wu, he is a man after all. He is not suitable to appear on some occasions. Yunyang's stretching is not bad. If you don't If you mind, brother Yi will give her to you."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the girl who appeared suddenly, her whole body was cold and expressionless, she was on par with Bai Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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