Chapter 324 Slaves
Looking at the aura she exudes, one can tell that this girl is quite capable.The righteous brother is a general, following him will lead to great fortunes in the future.

Moreover, this kind of good seedling who is one in a million usually has a high spirit, and he may not necessarily follow him willingly in his heart.

"Brother Yi, what will you do if you give it to me?"

"I have the wind and they don't need them at all. The righteous sister is different. You are a girl's family, and safety is the most important thing. I can rest assured that I will take Yunyang with me when I go out."

As Han Jing said, he directly told Yunyang, "From now on, my righteous sister will be your master, and you will follow her around to protect her safety."


From the beginning to the end, Yunyang's expression did not change. Hearing Han Jing's order, he directly knelt down on one leg towards Bai Ningxiang, clasped his fists with both hands,

"Yunyang pays respects to master."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the posture in front of her, subconsciously raised her chest,

"Brother Yi said to give you to me, and I will be your master in the future, but before that, I still want to ask you, if you don't really want to follow me, just say it now, and Brother Yi will arrange another one for you." task, I promise, my brother-in-law will never make it difficult for you."

"However, if you agree, you will only be able to listen to me in the future. Brother Yi's words are not good. And you have lost the chance to repent, so don't rush to express your opinion, you can think about it first. Master You have the right to choose servants, and similarly, servants can also choose whether to follow the master or not."

Bai Ningxiang said it softly, but she also expressed her position. She is now incomparable with Yixiong.If people are high-spirited and unwilling to follow her, she will not force it.

After all, she will get along day and night in the future, and she doesn't want to be bored every day.

Yunyang straightened up and looked at Bai Ningxiang. For the past few days, she has been following in the dark to protect the safety of her master. She has been watching this girl's speech and behavior.

Although not as well-behaved as the ladies, she is still very serious when doing things, and she is very kind to the girls around her, and sometimes she will have fun with them, just as a joke.

At the beginning, she found it difficult to accept that as a master, she should put on airs. If there is no distinction between master and servant, it is easy for the slave to bully the master.

But later she discovered that this girl is not so casual with everyone, like Qiu Niang and others, she always assumes the posture of the master, and is very strict in ordering people to do things.

At that time, she was still envious of those two little girls, and when she met a good-tempered master, now it was her turn suddenly, and for a while, her mind was a little complicated.

Looking at Yunyang's face, although she was still calm, her dark eyes flickered several times, knowing that she was thinking.

Bai Ningxiang is not in a hurry, she always gives people room to think, sometimes a single thought can last a lifetime.

Han Jing looked at her righteous sister so calmly, and a smile flashed in her eyes, she didn't expect the little girl to figure out people's hearts, knowing that there are some things that can't be rushed.

It's not easy for him to intervene in this kind of thing, the righteous sister needs to subdue her personally, and only if Yunyang follows her willingly, can he be considered successful.

Trying to make do with it will only make things worse in the future, putting the cart before the horse and putting the cart before the horse.

After a long time, Yunyang cupped his fists again,
"Yunyang is willing to follow the girl, and will never give up." He kowtowed three times as he spoke.

"Very good, my name is Bai Ningxiang, the eldest daughter of Bai's family, you only need to listen to me from now on."

Bai Ningxiang helped her up with both hands, with a smile in her eyes, "We are just ordinary farmers, you need to restrain your arrogance, otherwise, it will easily scare the children in the village to tears."

(End of this chapter)

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