Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 328 1st Grade Ganquan

Chapter 328

"If you want not to bring me trouble, think twice about everything. When you are not strong enough, no matter how much hatred you have in your heart, you can only think about it. A little intolerance will lead to a big conspiracy. You have endured it for so many years, and you can bear it if you can't bear it." some time."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she stared straight into Bai Wu's eyes. She also inadvertently thought of some things in her previous life, which vaguely seemed to be related to Bai Wu's brothers and sisters, but she was not sure at the moment, so she turned around and asked Yi brother Besides.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's warning, Bai Wu tightly pursed the corners of his lips, his body was extremely stiff, he thought he was hiding well, but he didn't expect that the girl had already seen through.

"What does the girl know?"

When he asked this sentence, Bai Wu stared at Bai Ningxiang with fierce eyes, as if he was afraid of missing something?
"I don't know the specifics, I just vaguely guessed something."

Bai Ningxiang didn't care about the fierce look in Bai Wu's eyes, she could see that Bai Wu was just subconsciously on guard.

There are too many things in a person's heart, too heavy a burden, and he is destined to not be as chic as ordinary people.

Bai Wu calmed down, glanced at her apologetically, took a step back, bowed and cupped his fists,

"Don't worry, girl, I won't act recklessly."

At least he still has a younger sister to take care of. His grandparents tried their best to send them out. He can't live up to his family's expectations.

"Well, let's go down and prepare. This time, we will go back and forth. It won't be half a year. I'm afraid we won't be able to come back."


Looking at Bai Wu's stiff back, Bai Ningxiang took a sip of tea, turned her head to look at Ding Yang who was silent beside her,
"There should be no hatred on you, right?"

Ding Yang was silent, "My maidservant's hometown was hit by a disaster, both parents died, and she was wandering alone in the street, natural disasters and man-made disasters, no enemies."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, "Then you can stay here with peace of mind from now on, living in the sun is better than being a secret guard for the rest of your life."

"Thank you girl."

Ding Yang was stunned for a moment, thinking about the dark days before, and thinking about these days, she didn't have to tense her nerves anytime and anywhere, and she didn't have to be on guard all the time, it was indeed the most comfortable few days for her.

When the transport team arrived, Han Jing also followed. Looking at the carts full of tea, she couldn't help but look at Bai Ningxiang,

"If you want to go with the team, it's okay. I'll let people watch at home."

"No, it's fine if Bai Wu is with you. He's been in the Bai family for several years, and he's already familiar with what he should be familiar with. If the shopkeeper arranged by the brother-in-law is not good, Bai Wu can replace him."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Brother Yi's dazed face, and smiled, "Brother Yi is a good soldier leader, but in terms of business, he may not be top-notch. Therefore, I boldly guess that the temporary shopkeeper must be Brother Yi borrowed from Aunt Han. of."

Han Jing was surprised, and shook his head randomly, "Little clever ghost, you can't hide anything from you. You guessed right, I asked my mother for the shopkeeper."

Bai Ningxiang raised her neck, with such an expression as expected,

"By the way, last time you asked me the name of the tea shop, what do you think of it being called Yipin Ganquan?"

"Yipin Ganquan? The name is elegant. Later, I will send a letter to Dazhu Feige, asking him to find someone to customize the plaque." Han Jing smiled warmly, it is rare that this girl is willing to use her brain, and he can't let it down.

After sending the transportation team away, Bai Ningxiang dismissed the rest of the people and asked Ding Yang to guard the door before winking at Yixiong.

"What's the matter?" I haven't seen this girl for a few days, but she has learned how to be cute.

(End of this chapter)

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