Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 329 Major Events 78 Years Ago

Chapter 329 The Great Event Seven or Eight Years Ago

"Brother Yi, I know that you have practiced in military camps since you were a child. Do you know what happened in Daqing State seven or eight years ago?"

Hearing the little girl's question, Han Jing was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but think of the Bai Wu brothers and sisters,
"Why do you ask that?"

"I want to confirm something. If Yibro knows, please tell me."

When Bai Ningxiang said this, her heart skipped a beat, "It doesn't matter if it's within Qingdu, but all over the country."

Han Jing was silent for a while, "I was [-] or [-] years old seven or eight years ago, and I went to the military camp for training, but I would go back to my home every six months and March, and I didn't pay much attention to many things."

"However, several major events did happen in those two years, and they were all reported to the military camp. I also heard about it. The severe drought in the northwest, the invasion of barbarians, the greed of imperial officials for ink, and the collapse of the water transport in the south."

Han Jin frowned, glanced at his sister-in-law, and was silent for a moment.

"The most sensational thing at that time was the severe drought in the Northwest. I heard that the Northwest was starving and dying everywhere. The imperial court sent people to relieve the disaster and appointed Mr. Yang Mingzhi, Secretary of the Sinong Temple. Later, for some reason, I heard that the money for the relief was embezzled by him. The purchase of private salt caused serious losses to the imperial court and was sentenced to death."

"Unfortunately, before he was escorted back to Qingdu, he was assassinated on the way. At the same time, the Yang family in Qingdu was also attacked. A fire broke out, and the entire Yang family was destroyed."

As Han Jing said, seeing the shocked look of the little girl, she couldn't help but raised her head and rubbed her head.

"At that time, the Lord was furious and asked for a strict investigation, but the results were not satisfactory. The case of embezzlement of the people's life-saving food has not been investigated, and this kind of thing happened. The crime that originally implicated the nine clans was gone. The Lord The funeral of the Yang family was arranged, and the imperial envoys for disaster relief were re-appointed, so this matter was suppressed."

Bai Ningxiang clicked her tongue when she heard it, this incident was really shocking,
"Then who is the current Minister of Si Nongsi? If Master Yang's case is tricky, it must be related to the final benefit."

"Sister-in-law be careful." Han Jing looked at her, but luckily she was in front of her, "Be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

"I'm sure I won't say anything else, brother Yi won't harm me." Bai Ningxiang rubbed her nose embarrassingly, and bowed her head guilty.

Seeing her guilty look, Han Jing shook her head helplessly, "Although what righteous sister said has some truth, there is another saying that the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit."

Yang Mingzhi's case became unsolved. Everyone could see that it was unusual, but there was no progress. At that time, the Lord was furious and severely punished several officials in charge of the criminal department.

He was still young at that time, and after hearing about it, he didn't pay much attention to it except sighing.

During the period, I heard my grandfather say that Sinong Temple is in charge of storage and belongs to the Ministry of Households. It is in charge of grain storage, warehouse management, and the supply of Lumi for Beijing officials.

This guy is fat and poor, and many people are staring at him closely. If anyone wants to take the opportunity to make some troubles, the attention of the disaster relief food is really hard to guard against.

Although the case was complicated and confusing, the people did not benefit from the relief money distributed by the imperial court. Yang Mingzhi, who was on a mission for disaster relief, was implicated in it again. The anger of the Lord can be imagined.

When Bai Ningxiang listened to her righteous brother's narration, she could only sigh.

In the previous life, several major cases that shocked the court occurred in Qingdu. The newly appointed Minister of Si Nong was killed. Before the court could investigate clearly, several officials from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Punishment were killed one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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