Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 341 Thanks for having you

Chapter 341 Thanks for having you

"I know, I won't be easily defeated."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her brother-in-law with a cold light in her eyes. How could she not know that the more ruthless the people around her, the harder it is to guard against.

Because they know when you are weakest and best to strike.

"Ding Yang, go and watch my second aunt these few days to see her daily routine, and then make plans."

Bai Ningxiang tapped the table with one hand, and couldn't help thinking about how to fight back.

To deal with people like the Meng family, one must strike to the end, so that she has no power to fight back and can no longer make any waves.

"By the way, by the way, I also look at my quiet cousin to see if she really doesn't know what her mother is doing."


Ding Yang retreated, Bai Ningxiang picked up the wine glass in front of her and drank it down, she couldn't hide the coldness all over her body.

In front of her righteous brother, she didn't want to pretend to be herself.

Han Jing looked at the little girl in front of her, suppressed the storm in her heart, chuckled, and continued for her,

"It's just a small matter, girl. Don't worry about it. You can also separate your families. You can only be regarded as clan members. If you can get along with each other, you can stay away. If they don't behave well, you can directly suppress them. Don't worry about anything."

"It's difficult for a person to live a lifetime. If you are troubled by these trivial things again, wouldn't it be too uneconomical?"

Hearing the brother's consolation, Bai Ningxiang smiled at him, raised her neck and drank another cup, the spicy taste passed through her throat, and her heart became colder again.

"Brother Yi is right, I really don't have to worry about them anymore."

One by one, they deliberately wanted to take everything away from her, with thicker skins one by one.

She lives according to her duties, strives hard, does not steal or rob, and always keeps the bottom line.

It was like this in the previous life, and it is still the same in this life. Why do you always encounter these bad things?
Reaching out to take the jug away, he poured it directly for himself, "Brother Yi, join me for a drink, we will not go home tonight if we are not drunk."

As he said, he held up his wine glass and lightly clinked it with his brother-in-law, then raised his head and downed it again.

"Silly girl, this amount of wine is not enough for the two of us to get drunk once. If you want brother-in-law to get drunk, you need at least ten altars."

In the barracks, among other things, he can hold a lot of alcohol.

Han Jing looked at the girl in front of him, especially the sadness and stubbornness in her eyes, which directly hurt his heart.

The blocking hand was silently withdrawn again, the girl's spirit was too tense, it's okay to relax once in a while.

"Yi brother is with you, don't drink too fast, otherwise you will easily get hangover, and when you have a headache, you will know that you regret it."

Han Jing moved to her right side and sat down, reached out and took the jug in her hand, poured it for her first, and then filled a glass for himself.

"In the dead of night, it's easy to lose control of your emotions. If you don't want to have a headache tomorrow, girl, you should drink less. If you want to say something, brother Yi is willing to be a listener."

Bai Ningxiang picked up the wine glass, downed it in one gulp, turned her head and smiled slightly at her brother-in-law, but her eyes turned red inexplicably.

"Brother Yi, I have worked very hard."

"I know and I can see that you are a tough and good girl."

Han Jing raised her hand and patted her shoulder lightly, her tone was very gentle.

"You're the strongest and most different girl I've ever met."

Bai Ningxiang blinked, stubbornly not allowing herself to shed tears, once again, God had already treated her favorably, she did not allow herself to be cowardly anymore, that would only make her appear incompetent.

"Brother Yi, it's fortunate that you are with me, and thank you for being by my side."

 The eight chapters are over~, coded to the last chapter, my heart is a little heavy, escape~~~
(End of this chapter)

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