Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 342 Drunk and hazy

Chapter 342 Drunk and hazy
After being reborn, I thought that family love would be easy to come by, but the surroundings are full of calculations.She belonged to Jiang's family in her previous life, but she is one of her own in this life. Could it be that she can't get rid of this vicious circle after all?

All of a sudden, Bai Ningxiang felt powerless all over, and the light seemed to be lost in front of her.

Han Jing looked at the girl with doubts on her face, and the decadent air that disappeared a while ago permeated her body again, and she seemed to have gone through vicissitudes at this time.

No matter how you look, you look like an old man.

It turns out that the little girl is so fragile in private, and it turns out that her Bai family's calculations made her so sad?
Thinking of the Bai family, Han Jing's expression turned cold.

"Girl, you're drunk, just take a nap. When the sun rises tomorrow, it will be sunny again."

Han Jing coaxed gently, he liked the way the little girl was full of fighting spirit and went forward bravely, not the one in front of him who looked like a lost lamb who couldn't find her way home.

Bai Ningxiang mechanically turned her head and looked at the righteous brother in front of her, especially the smile in his eyes, which was as dazzling as a starry sky, dazzled her eyes.

No matter in the past or present life, the righteous brother always appeared in time when she was at a loss, as long as there was a righteous brother, she felt very at ease.

In her previous life, Jiang Wenxue begged her to settle down in Qingdu, but in fact she was uncertain and a little scared.

In Qingdu, where rich and powerful people gather, she is just a business girl with some money, and she can also be called a small landlord. Such an identity has no advantage at all in Qingdu, and she is afraid that she will not be able to keep it.

At that time, she didn't know which muscle was wrong, so she directly told her brother-in-law about her worries.

Unexpectedly, he was only silent for a while, and encouraged himself, don't be afraid, he can help.

Afterwards, not only helped her buy a mansion in Qingdu, but also directly let Aunt Han hold a banquet to welcome her, and let everyone in Qingdu know that she was the honored guest of the Han family and the savior of General Han.

With Jiang Wenxue, a lowly official with no foundation, being able to gain a foothold in Qingdu and being respected by everyone is the result of his brother-in-law's secret enlightenment. She has always understood this, only the Jiang family pretended to be confused.

The more she thought about it, the more Bai Ningxiang felt that she was ashamed of her brother-in-law. She was so ungrateful that she kept a bunch of blood-sucking leeches by herself, and even made brother-in-law help her.

"Brother Yi, I'm sorry."

With a murmur, Bai Ningxiang blinked, holding back the tears in her eyes, stretched out her arms to wrap around his arms, rested her head on his shoulders, and closed her eyes in relief. It's still the most comfortable to stay by Yixiong's side, never worrying about others of.

Han Jing's body froze, she looked down at her head resting on her shoulders, her eyes darkened.

Without hesitation, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, making her lean more comfortably.

After all, the girl is too young, and those in the Bai family are not worried. She is really too tired to bear all the pressure by herself, and she should relax occasionally.

For some reason, he always felt that this girl had other things on her mind, and it was very important.Otherwise, with the strong character of the girl, it is impossible to be defeated by a little Meng family.

It's a pity that this girl buried everything in her heart, she would rather bear it alone than talk about it.

Thinking of this, Han Jing felt agitated, reached out to pick up the flagon, only to find that it was already empty.

Looking sideways at the girl beside her, the whole pot of wine went into her stomach.

In the quiet night, Han Jing sat quietly until the sound of even breathing came from her shoulder, and the girl fell asleep leaning on his shoulder without being polite.

(End of this chapter)

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