Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 344 1 Headbutt on the Stomach

Chapter 344
"She went out to run some errands. The girl told her to go out early in the morning." Bai Cha pouted. Since that Ding Yang came, the girl has let her go.

Listening to Bai Cha's narration, Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, raised her hand and patted her forehead, and then slowly remembered the horrible things that Meng Shi did.

No wonder brother Yi said that night is the most sensitive time for people's mood swings, but she was really affected by people.

Thinking of her brother-in-law, Bai Ningxiang patted her face, saying it's better to stay away from alcohol in the future.

It wasn't until Qiuniang reported at the door that Chief Xu was visiting that Bai Ningxiang took white tea to the front yard.

"Xu Li Chang'an," when Bai Ningxiang walked over, she saw Xu Lichang staring at a pot of Chunlan fascinatedly, and blessed her body with a smile.

"Miss Bai is free. Mr. Xu asked you about the homestead. The mayor felt that Miss Bai's actions would always benefit the village, so he decided to give five taels of silver per mu."

All the sixteen acres were bought, and all the procedures were completed for less than 90 taels of silver.

To be honest, Bai Ningxiang was very surprised, she didn't expect it to be so much cheaper at once, one tael of silver per mu, overall it was not a small sum.

"Thank you Li Zhang Xu for your kind words." Regarding this matter, Bai Ningxiang expressed her affection. As a mayor, he would not care who bought the homestead in the village, as long as he could receive the money.

"Girl, I'm serious. I'm the head of the two villages. Naturally, I want to work for the welfare of the village." Besides, what he's doing is still a business, and he has no reason to stop it.

Bai Ningxiang handed over the silver to Chief Xu and asked him to help with the formalities.

On the other hand, she went directly to the study room, and the moment she opened the door, Bai Ningxiang was stunned.

On the rattan chair where she usually reads, half-lying on the wicker chair with her eyes closed,
"Brother Yi? I thought you went to the tea garden."

"Are you feeling better?"

Han Jing opened her eyes, and looked at the little girl standing against the light, she was full of energy again, completely different from last night's decadence.

Hearing Brother Yi's question, Bai Ningxiang's face was immediately flushed, she glanced at Brother Yi embarrassedly, "I've slept, I'm fine now."

Han Jing didn't seem to notice her embarrassment, "It's good to be fine, and drink less in the future."

Just looking at last night, this girl didn't drink too much.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

She didn't want to drink either. Isn't this a catch up?
"Ahem... Xu Lichang came here just now, and I have bought all the surrounding homesteads." Not wanting to continue yesterday's topic, Bai Ningxiang quickly shifted to the homestead just now.

"I know." He didn't want to greet a village chief, so he didn't go out.

It's a bit embarrassing, Bai Ningxiang stared at the eyes of her brother-in-law, and always felt that she lacked confidence, she really saw a ghost,

"······I am going to build a tea factory, brother Yi, do you have any suggestions?"

"No, as long as you like it." Han Jing glanced at her bright red lips, tightened her hand holding the book, and her eyes darkened.

Bai Ningxiang took a deep breath, turned around and sat in front of the table, and began to draw the outline of the factory building.

According to the steps, techniques, and estimated floor space required for tea making, within half an hour, the structure of the entire tea factory appeared on the rice paper.

"The painting is too poor, but the outline of the factory building looks good, wide enough."

Suddenly, there was a voice above her head, causing Bai Ningxiang to raise her head in fright, and knocked her head directly on Han Jing's stomach.

Bai Ningxiang was dumbfounded when she heard her righteous brother's muffled snort.

(End of this chapter)

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