Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 345 I Believe In My Righteous Brother

Chapter 345 I Believe In My Righteous Brother

Looking at the little girl's panic-stricken eyes, with a look of helplessness on her shoulders and neck,
"What are you afraid of?"

He was already there, and he didn't just pop up out of nowhere.

Since Bai Ningxiang woke up, she has been feeling uneasy, and she feels very guilty about the fragments of last night.

"Who made you speak suddenly..."

Bai Ningxiang felt that she was very innocent. She was concentrating on her work when suddenly a voice came out above her head, so it's no wonder she wasn't afraid.

But looking at the eyes of her brother-in-law, she felt wronged again, and there was a faint urge to go crazy in her heart. She hated this kind of uncontrollable situation.

"Ahem...Yixiong, I didn't do anything excessive last night, right?" With a heartbroken, Bai Ningxiang raised her head and looked at him eagerly.

Their eyes met with each other, and both of them were stunned.

One has anxious eyes, and the other has deep and clear eyes.

Looking at the little girl's appearance, Han Jing raised the corners of her lips, took a step forward suddenly, approached her ear, and said in a low voice,
"You finished that jug of sake last night, and I only drank two small cups... Moreover, you fell asleep leaning on me after drinking it."

Bai Ningxiang swallowed her saliva, her eyes dodged, "Didn't you say anything you shouldn't have said?"

Like her rebirth?

"Well~, I did say a lot, so what's the difference if I should say it or not?"

Han Jing watched her face turn from red to white, and was puzzled. Before he could speak, the little girl grabbed her arm.

"Then...then what did I say?"

Bai Ningxiang was a little flustered, if she said something about rebirth, with the temper of her brother-in-law, she would either think that she was crazy, or that she was talking nonsense and her character was wrong.

"You really don't remember?" Han Jing looked into her worried eyes with a low voice.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head subconsciously, seeing her righteous brother's serious expression, his face turned pale again,
"I... am broken."

Han Jing raised her eyebrows, and a faint light flashed in the depths of her eyes, "~You lay on my shoulder last night, saying that you were lucky to have me by your side...and then kissed me... "

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

After the silence, Bai Ningxiang suddenly covered her face and let out a loud cry.

"Ah? How is it possible?" How could she do such a meng lang thing?
This news was too overwhelming, his forehead was in pain, and his old face was hot.

"Do you think I lied to you?" Han Jing stared at her, reached out and pinched her chin, not letting her dodge in any way.

Bai Ningxiang blushed, wanted to shake her head and her jaw was controlled again, so she could only blink her eyes,

"No... I believe in Brother Yi."

Brother Yi is a great general, standing upright, decisive in killing, how could he lie about this kind of thing?
Does this mean that I have tarnished the innocence of my brother-in-law?
She never knew that there was still a monster hidden in her heart, and she learned to take advantage of it?
Under such circumstances, the righteous brother must not be as knowledgeable as himself, but she didn't expect that she would bump into him with a guilty conscience.

"...I was drunk yesterday, Brother Yi, don't be as knowledgeable as me."


Seeing her shameless expression, Han Jing's eyes deepened, and she bent slightly, her two faces were close at hand, and her hot breath rushed towards her.

Bai Ningxiang's eyes widened in an instant, her chest throbbed uncontrollably, she could clearly see every fluff on Yixiong's face.

Looking at her big eyes, Han Jing's breathing became heavier, especially the bright red and moist lips, which made people feel uncomfortable.

 The first four chapters... There are still four thousand~
(End of this chapter)

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