Chapter 350
Really blind, as the daughter of the Zhang family, she had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, and now she suffers from such uselessness.

Zhang Jiao's delicate face was flushed, and she turned to look at Jiang Wenxue with mockery in her eyes, "Jiang Wenxue, do you think everyone in this world is a fool except you?"

If she had been in the past, she might have believed Jiang Wenxue's words. After getting married, she gradually discovered that Jiang Wenxue was not very capable and arrogant, and he was simply a savage.

Obviously there is nothing, and it is obvious that he took the initiative to approach the Zhang family. Everyone knows that he is eating soft food, but their mother and son are strong-mouthed, deceiving themselves and others that the Zhang family wants to marry because of Jiang Wenxue's talent and learning. In-laws.

Yes, she did not deny that her father had such a thought, and the money could not be spent in vain.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with this. If Jiang Wenxue had no use value, and the Zhang family was not doing charity, why should he support a poor student?
It's fine if the bet fails, they are married anyway, as long as the mother and son of the Jiang family stay calm and see the situation clearly, she will go home and say a few good words, maybe in a few years she can sponsor him to participate in the Spring Festival again.

But as for them, not only did they not restrain themselves, they even dared to accuse the Zhang family of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

The old lady was making trouble in front of her every day, and Jiang Wenxue didn't give her a good face, saying that she was ruthless and lacked women's morality.

There was no rest every day, and she didn't know that she was pregnant for more than a month until she fainted and had a miscarriage.

Seeing her child come and leave without a sound, if she can hold back, she won't be called Zhang Jiaojiao.

She was immersed in the pain of losing her child, but this old godly woman asked her for money, clothes and jewelry without any regrets.

I didn't bother to pay attention to it, so she cried and made noises, and rolled around. After her husband came in, he accused her of being a poisonous woman without asking any questions, and had no woman's morals.

Seeing the mother and son team up to deal with her alone, one can imagine the chill in my heart.

Since Jiang Wenxue didn't want to live a peaceful life, she did as he wished and kicked him out of the gate.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiaojiao looked at Jiang Wenxue with undisguised disdain,
"Jiang Wenxue, today I have finally learned a lot. There is no bottom line for a person to be vicious. You can bite anyone passing by, and you have to take off a layer of skin if you get on it. I know you. It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes." gone."

When Jiang Wenxue saw Zhang Jiaojiao's eyes, he felt a little regretful in his heart. He felt that Zhang Jiaojiao's jealous temper would definitely transfer his anger to Bai Ningxiang.

Who knew that with a few words, Bai Ningxiang shifted the disadvantage and used the neighbors around him to attack him.

He already knew that meeting Bai Ningxiang would be a bad thing.

Bai Ningxiang raised the curtain of the car, and smiled gently at Zhang Jiaojiao, "Thank you Miss Zhang for discerning right from wrong, and not hurting innocent people. I shouldn't have cut corners today, otherwise I wouldn't be so unlucky to meet such a disgusting person."

"It's really eye-opening for a dignified Juren to innocently implicate a passer-by because of family conflicts."

After Bai Ningxiang finished speaking, she greeted Dahe, "Let's go, we can't stay here for a moment, take a step slowly, maybe someone will hold you back for some shit."

"What kind of shit? You rotten ruffians who kill thousands of people with thousands of knives, you know how to bully our orphans and widows..."

(End of this chapter)

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