Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 351 The Default Condition

Chapter 351 The Default Condition

Before Mother Jiang could finish cursing, Hai Hai shouted angrily,
"Shut up, you old woman, you dare to insult my girl's reputation, and I will throw you into prison for the rest of your life."

Hai Hai rushed out from the side suddenly, glared fiercely at old lady Jiang, then turned to look at Jiang Wenxue, with the scar on his face, no matter how you look at it, it looks fierce.

"If you want me to kill you now, just keep scolding."

The Jiang family's mother and son were bullying masters, and when they saw the evil spirit emerging from Da Hai's body, they immediately lost their temper.

Especially Mother Jiang, when she saw the scar on Dahai's face, she shrank back in fright.

Jiang Wenxue glanced at the drawn car curtain, then at the menacing sea, swallowed, and silently retreated to the wall to make way.

He watched helplessly as the carriage rolled past in front of him.

Zhang Jiaojiao looked at the cowardly behavior of the two of them, and sneered, why was she so blind at the time, believed in this man's rhetoric, and had a relationship with him, so she begged her mother to help them.

Yesterday, her mother told her to go back, telling Jiang Wenwen to calm down, continue studying, and settle down for two or three years, just to take part in a scientific examination.

Even if he didn't want to participate in the scientific examination, he was still a candidate. As long as he saw the right opportunity, he could donate some money and buy a small official.

It's a pity that the mother and son didn't care about blessings and didn't know how to be grateful. They thought that the Zhang family was sorry for him.

Relying on her identity as a juror, she tried her best to pretend, and foolishly thought that as long as she overpowered her, she would be able to dampen her spirit and let her concentrate on planning for the Jiang family.

I bah, I want her to bow her head, but there is no door.

Before today, she had endured it because she was concerned about Jiang Wenxue's reputation as a scholar, and she was afraid that it would affect his progress.

Now it seems that it is completely unnecessary, they don't care, what the hell does she care?
Now she can understand that both mother and son have the same virtues, and the behavior of the old godmother is Jiang Wenxue's acquiescence. Without his connivance, how dare an old woman be so bold?
Even if she begged her father to donate an official to him, she would not have a good life.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiaojiao put one hand on the maidservant's arm, and pointed to the two bundles on the ground.

"Since you have lived so well with me, move back to the Jiang family's old house."

Jiang's mother became anxious when she heard this, "Zhang Jiaojiao, you poisonous woman, when you used my son, you used all kinds of favors, and you acted like a slave. Now you want to turn your face and be ruthless, and there is no way."

Zhang Jiaojiao sneered, glanced at Jiang Wenxue, saw his sad and silent expression, and knew that he had the same thoughts as the old woman.

With such trouble every day, her reputation can't be kept, so she simply doesn't want it.

"Old godmother, you old bastard who bullys the weak and fears the hard, what I regret the most is knowing your son. I will let you live in my yard if I turn my face and be ruthless, and I will make you new clothes if I turn my face and be ruthless? Or are you wearing it? They were all stolen? If I didn’t ask a doctor to treat you, you have the strength to yell at me, pity my child who has no fate..."

Zhang Jiaojiao calmly questioned the two mothers and sons, and her eyes were red when she said that she was sad.

The neighbors who were watching the excitement couldn't help being moved. Looking at the red faces of their mother and child being protected, their faces were full of contempt and disgust.

Ever since the girl from the Zhang family got married, she had been making noise in the yard every day. The neighbors had known about it for a long time, but they didn't know that there were so many inside stories.

(End of this chapter)

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