Chapter 353 Return to the original form
Before she finished speaking, the door really opened, and before Jiang's mother was satisfied, Zhang Jiaojiao's wet nurse let out a contemptuous pooh,
"Old lady, shut up. You came here empty-handed when you moved in. Everything in the mansion was bought by the lady, and the dowry was spent by the lady. Now the lady is unhappy and doesn't want to give it away. Just put those things away." It was rewarded to the servants in the mansion."

As the nurse spoke, she lifted her nose proudly and snorted haughtily,
"If you want it, just put down your face and beg those servants, maybe they will give it back to you because they think you are pitiful."

"Ahhh... bitch, bitch, those are old women's things, you give it back to me, give it back to me..."

"Old woman, this is retribution. A person who doesn't know how to cherish blessings will end up like this."

As the nurse said, she glanced at the gilt hairpin on her head and the pair of gold pendants on her ears, curled her lips,
"Teaching from the sages, if you don't eat the food that was wasted, the Lord Juren will naturally not starve you. If you still don't stop, return the gold hairpin and earrings on your head? They are also given to you by my wife."

When Mother Jiang heard this, she took a step back immediately, raised her hand to cover the hairpin on her head, and looked at the servants vigilantly, for fear that someone would come up to snatch it.

The wet nurse sneered, and the girls and servants around her laughed too.
"Since you regard this piece of jewelry as an eyeball, our wife is not afraid of being worn by others. Pick up the burden on the ground, get out, and see you at the gate of the town hall tomorrow."

After all, with a bang, the door closed again, this time, there was no intention of opening it again.

After watching the fun, the neighbors gave them a look with different expressions, and each closed their doors and went home.

Those who were saved were implicated innocently, and were scolded for no reason.

In the blink of an eye, in an alley, there were only two miserable people left... and two bags on the ground.

"Son... what should I do, son?"

Jiang's mother felt a little regretful, she didn't want to go back to the run-down house of Jiang's family, she was used to being served by others in the past year, and she had to do everything by herself after returning, she was very resistant.

Jiang Wenwen looked at his mother with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say. If his mother was less fussy, Zhang Jiaojiao would not be so heartless.

"... Let's go home first."

Jiang Wenxue took a look at the baggage on the ground. They were all the clothes of the old lady. As for his own, he didn't bring out the rest except the one on his body.

"Really go back?"

There was obvious resistance on Mother Jiang's face, "Son...can you..."

Before Jiang's mother finished speaking, Jiang Wenxue roared sullenly, "No, you still think I'm not ashamed enough today, do you? If you didn't make trouble for no reason, things would get out of hand?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about his mother's dazed expression, and he just walked away, and he didn't want to stay any longer.

Mother Jiang looked at her son with a pale face, and then looked back at the closed door with her hands outstretched. She sat on the ground and patted her thighs, crying with her mouth open.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many knives..."

After buying what she needed, Bai Ningxiang went home directly.

It wasn't until a few days later that Zhao Xian came to pick up the goods, that Bai Ningxiang didn't know that Zhang Jiaojiao and Jiang Wenxue had reconciled, and the Jiang family's mother and son were beaten back to their original shape and moved into the Jiang family's old courtyard.

 There are four more chapters tonight~~~
(End of this chapter)

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