Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 354 You Won't Empty Your Home, Will You?

Chapter 354 You Won't Empty Your Home, Will You?

Zhao Xian gloated, "Sister, I don't know. On the day of reconciliation, the old lady of the Jiang family said that she regretted it and shouldn't embarrass her daughter-in-law. Many people saw it. Fortunately, Zhang Jiaojiao didn't soften her heart and insisted on reconciling. "

Bai Ningxiang sat in the yard, feeling complicated. To be honest, she really admired Zhang Jiaojiao.It's a pity that if she gets involved with the Jiang family's mother and son, her reputation will definitely be damaged.

"Being kneeled by her mother-in-law will ruin Zhang Jiaojiao's reputation. It will not be easy to marry in the future. Who would dare to have a daughter-in-law who was once kneeled by her mother-in-law? Now, the feud between the two families is settled." .”

"My sister is right. The Zhang family resents the Jiang family for ruining her daughter's reputation. The Jiang family insists that the Zhang family is ungrateful... Anyway, they finally left."

Zhao Xian shook his head. As a man, he really doesn't like people like Jiang Wenxue, a selfish man who bullies his wife even if he eats soft food.

For a while, people in the whole town were talking about the grievances between the two families, and they kept talking about Jiang Juren in the streets and alleys.

"However, Jiang Wenxue has fallen into the quagmire again. My sister can rest assured. From now on, his reputation will be rotten. It's hard to say whether he can keep his name."

Juren's name itself was paid for by the Zhang family's money. If the Zhang family was angry, they would definitely play tricks on this aspect.

"If the body is not right, it's just reaping the fruit."

Bai Ningxiang smiled and changed the subject directly.

After the little man brought the black tea down the mountain, Zhao Xian got up to leave.

As soon as the people were delivered to the door, Brother Yi's carriage came.

Zhao Xian immediately straightened his clothes, clasped his fists in both hands, and bowed in salute, "Greetings to Mr. Han."


Han Jing nodded, walked directly to Bai Ningxiang's side, Feng Yi and the others worked together to lift a box.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the battle with a confused look on her face, "Brother Yi, what is this?"

"It's just a little thing." Han Jing smiled and walked into the yard.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the back of the brother-in-law, her face flushed slightly, although she couldn't remember how she kissed him, but after the brother-in-law told her solemnly, she felt inexplicably guilty.

"Brother Yi runs like this every three days, won't he be too tired?" Bai Ningxiang dawdled for a while, but still followed.

Han Jing looked into the little girl's eyes, and said quietly, "This year, there are other generals in the border guards. I only served as the supervisor of the army. I am not here, and those people are more comfortable."

As a supervising army, it is not necessary to keep an eye on the barracks all the time to do your duty.

The more he was absent, the more cautious those people were, because they didn't know that among the many soldiers, every pair of eyes might be the eyes of the supervisor.


Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, the position of her foster brother changed?Or is he already feared by the Lord and wants to weaken his power?
"Ah what, look at the gadgets I brought you. They are all leftovers from making hairpins. The master sculptor used local materials to match those hairpins."

Han Jing opened the box and cleaned nine boxes neatly. In each box, there was a jade tablet, a pendant, a pair of earrings, and several forehead pendants of different shapes.

It is fully matched with the Jiugongge received last time.

"Brother Yi, this is too expensive. Did you evacuate all your property?" Bai Ningxiang was shocked, besides, she couldn't wear so much.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Feng Yi touched his nose. It might not be easy for Miss Bai to empty out her master's private treasury.

(End of this chapter)

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