Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 355 The Only Perseverance In My Heart

Chapter 355 The only attachment in my heart
Listening to the little girl's tone, Han Jing shook her head and laughed,
"It's just a little thing. It's worth your fuss. I got these stones by accident. It's useless to put them there. I might as well carve some ornaments for you."

Jade and other things nourish people, clean and elegant, and are more pleasing to the eye than those vulgar objects such as gold and silver.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Yibro who didn't care at all, she was speechless, well, she has never seen the world.

Under the box, there are rolls of yarn, embroidered with elegant flower patterns, clouds and the like.

Looking at these colors, Bai Ningxiang knew that Brother Yi had specially prepared them for her.

"I heard from Da Zhuo that these colors are the most popular this year, and they are also the most popular yarns used by girls. They are made into skirts in summer and are cool."

Han Jing watched her staring at those yarns in a daze, and the corners of her lips curled up. She performed well this time, and knew to prepare these in advance.

"Thank you brother Yi, I like it very much."

What can Bai Ningxiang say, everything has been delivered, and they are all carefully prepared. She is also a woman, and there is no woman who does not love beauty, and she is no exception. It's just that compared to a real fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, she has an extra It's just quiet.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang suddenly raised her head. Brother Yi gave her so many things that little girls like. Could it be that she thinks she is too rigid and lacks vitality?

"Baicha, boy, please help Feng carry this box to my room." Even the boxes are high-quality camphor wood boxes, which are insect-proof, fire-proof and moisture-proof. My brother-in-law has already given her several.

If it is placed in an ordinary farm, it will not take so much to get married.

"Alright girls, you guys come with me." Baicha happily directed them to carry the box to the backyard.

In the blink of an eye, there were only her and Yixiong in the entire front yard.

Bai Ningxiang bit her lip, and looked at him eagerly, "Brother Yi, do you think I'm boring to get along with?"

After being reborn, although there are many kind people around her, for her brother-in-law, it has become the only attachment in her heart.

Therefore, the attitude of the righteous brother is very important to her.

Han Jing: "..."

What do you mean?
What stimulated the girl again?
"I knew that brother Yi must think that I am boring and lack the vigor and vigor that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl should have."

She didn't want to think about it, since she was reborn, she tried her best to treat herself as a little girl, but her core was riddled with holes, even if she deliberately tried to pretend, there would always be times when her secrets would be revealed.

It's not that everyone didn't discover it, but they all tacitly thought that it was because of her father's death that her temperament changed drastically.

No one would have guessed that she has lived more than 30 years longer than others.

She never cared about other people's eyes, but her brother-in-law was different. She cared very much, quite a lot.

Listening to her tone, Han Jing was very helpless,

"Sometimes, brother Yi is really strange. You have some messy things in your head. Brother Yi gave you something, just wanting you to be as happy as an ordinary little girl, but he didn't dislike you."

"As for your temperament, sometimes you are really dormant. Brother Yoshi didn't just know it until today. No matter what your personality is, in Brother Yoshino's heart, you are that brave and calm little girl, and he is also his savior."

Han Jing said, raised her hand and rubbed her head,

"To be honest, brother Yi likes your calm temperament, not rushing or impatient, serious in doing things, and tenacious in character."

(End of this chapter)

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