Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 359 Wholehearted Trust

Chapter 359 Wholehearted Trust
Mrs. Shen glared at her, "I know you are filial. Brother Ting is also a good person. He knows how to repay us, and he takes care of us a lot. He lives in the front yard. You should take care of him. Don't miss it." What, try to make him live comfortably."

She is a widow, so it is not suitable for her to see more outside men, so as not to spread any gossip and affect her reputation.Therefore, most of her activities are in the backyard, and sometimes she is inevitably negligent.

"Don't worry, mother. I will take care of you more. Brother Yi regards us as relatives. Since we are a family, I will naturally not neglect him."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, although her mother is usually gentle, she looks easy to talk to, but sometimes, she is too stubborn, and she doesn't want to argue with her mother about this.

After having dinner together in the evening, Shen Shi went back to rest, while Bai Ningxiang and Han Jing sat drinking tea and chatting in the front yard.

Before the tea stove boiled, Ding Yang came back.

"Girl, young master." Ding Yang looked at the people sitting in the yard, and came directly to greet him.

"I'm back, go down to wash and eat something, don't rush this moment." Bai Ningxiang looked at her and waved her hands.

Ding Yang nodded, and was about to turn around to leave when he saw Yun Ni winking at her,
"Yunyang, oh no, I should call you Ding Yang, we will work together in the future, please take care of me."

Yun Ni leaned over, smiled and approached her, and then walked towards the backyard together shoulder to shoulder.

"Our deed of prostitution is in the hands of the girl, and the girl will be our master in the future. However, this is the first time I have come to this place. Tell me about the customs and customs here, so that I will not make any mistakes. Know."

Ding Yang looked at Yun Ni and was surprised. He didn't expect the young master to care so much about her daughter, and it was not enough to send her alone, even Yun Ni was sent here.

"Everything else is fine, the girl is a very good master, and we will not lose money by following her."

"Tsk tsk, of course I know this. People who can be valued by the young master are naturally superior. As servants, it's better to be more cautious, so as not to offend the taboo of the master."

The two went to the backyard muttering, Han Jing was still fiddling with the tea set in front of him until he put a cup of fragrant tea in front of Bai Ningxiang.

"Comparing Ding Yang and Yun Ni, Ding Yang's martial arts is better, but Yun Ni's communication skills are better than hers. The two of them are complementary when they are together."

"I can see it, thank you Brother Yi for thinking about it for me." Bai Ningxiang picked up the teacup, squinted her eyes and sniffed the aroma, her heart was extraordinarily at ease.

Han Jing looked at her expression, and the corner of her lips curled up. She was indeed a naive girl, and she didn't have any doubts about the person he sent.

Thinking of what she asked Ding Yang to investigate, Han Jing lowered the coldness in her eyes and spoke in a low voice.

"Girl, you must know that all enemies are regardless of distance, closeness, or closeness. Treating enemies softly is cruel to yourself."

The girl doesn't want him to participate, but it doesn't mean he can't play the side drum.

White smoke was bubbling from the tea stove, lingering around the aroma of the tea soup, matching the hazy night, Bai Ningxiang looked at Yixiong, smiled slightly,
"Brother Yi, don't persuade me. I know what I should do."

Meng's heart is kind on the surface, but she is ruthless behind the scenes. She only cares about their family's property. This kind of greed has surpassed her conscience.

What's more, she is different from Liu's. Liu's greed is clearly shown on her face, which is obvious at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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