Chapter 360
But Meng's greed is hidden in his heart. He usually smiles like a kind person, always waiting for an opportunity when you let down your vigilance, and will come out at any time to stab you.

Even if the second uncle broke his leg because of greed, she still didn't know how to restrain herself. If a person like her can still be soft-hearted, he deserves to die.

Han Jing looked at her gloomy expression, took a sip from her teacup, "It's getting late, go to bed early."

"Brother Yi also rest early." Bai Ningxiang got up, she really wanted to know the result of Ding Yang's investigation.

As soon as he lay on the beauty couch, Ding Yang washed up and walked in.

"Sit down and talk."

"Thank you, miss." Ding Yang was not polite, sat on the chair, and directly narrated the results of the investigation.

"Xu Danian's daughter-in-law is indeed from Mengjiazhuang with a foreign surname, surnamed Zhao. It's not too close to the second lady's natal home, one village head and one village end, but in the past two months, the second lady did bring the second girl back several times Many people in the village know about my natal family."

"Because after she returned to her natal family, she didn't shy away from anything. She often visited people she was friends with. When gossiping, she praised the girl openly and secretly, saying that you are capable, smart, good-looking, and the most important thing is that you can make money. , if it wasn't for the filial piety period, maybe the threshold would have been stepped down by the family who proposed marriage..."

Listening to Ding Yang's narration, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing, did she just say it?With Second Aunt's intelligence, she definitely wouldn't speak ill of her, and she could only praise her to the fullest, so that people would think that she was an aunt who did her best to treat her niece well.

"Then did she mention my dowry to others?"

"What the girl said is true. The second lady did tell people this. She praised her for loving her daughter. She was afraid that after the three-year filial piety period expired, the marriage would be affected. She said that the lady promised to give the girl half of the tea garden as a dowry, just to find a wishful man. Jun."

"She also said that she especially admired his wife's courage. She clearly has a brother, but she still puts all her heart on her. This kind of motherly heart is convincing from the bottom of my heart."

Speaking of this point, Ding Yang also had to admire the second lady's brains, without saying a bad word, she counted the girl into it.

"Heh... Second Aunt is still old-fashioned and knows how to use people's hearts. I don't say that people in the world are greedy, but if they can get benefits without violating their moral conscience, many people still find it difficult to give up. Second Aunt just needs to give my dowry It came out unintentionally, but if any family has a suitable boy, even if they move their minds, no one will say anything."

"What the girl said is right, the second lady's move is really brilliant."

A few casual chats, no need to take any responsibility, and everyone went in. As long as someone is concerned about the girl's dowry, they will naturally ask many people to inquire.

"Xu Danian's second son, Xu Maocheng, often went to his grandfather's house to discuss knowledge with his cousin. He also heard the news from his aunt, so he became obsessed and came back to discuss with his parents. In addition, Xu Lichang also praised the girl. If there is, I want the girl to marry Xu Maokang."

They knew that the girl was in filial piety and it was not easy to disturb her, so they thought of the old lady and unintentionally trampled on Bai Ruyan's reputation.

Apart from laughing, Bai Ningxiang was also very helpless, if Chief Xu knew that his excessive praise almost helped the evildoers, he didn't know how he would feel.

"By the way, does sister Xue know about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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