Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 363 Bai Ruyan's Plan

Chapter 363 Bai Ruyan's Plan
Bai Ruyan walked home absent-mindedly, seeing Liu Shi sitting in the yard eating melon seeds, her heart was filled with panic.But thinking of the plan in his heart, he couldn't help but walk over.

I glanced at the location of the hall, but fortunately my grandmother was taking a lunch break at this time.

"Mother, have you heard the rumors in the village recently?"

"What rumor? Sister Xiang is going to build a factory?" Liu looked at her daughter with a look of indifference.

After so many things, she finally understood that she couldn't afford Sister Xiang's cheapness, and she was the one who suffered every time.

"No, what I'm talking about is about the second cousin." Bai Ruyan carried a small saddle for herself and sat down.

"Sister Xue? She can only embroider at home all day long, and your second aunt doesn't let her go out at all. She has a dull temper herself. What extraordinary things can she do?"

Liu patted the skin of the melon seeds on her body, and curled her lips.

"Mother, the second cousin is 15 years old, and she is old enough to be engaged. Now everyone in the village knows that the second cousin is gentle and virtuous, with a generous dowry. She is a rare candidate for a daughter-in-law."

Bai Ruyan sighed, she knew that her mother didn't care about anything other than those sneaky things.

"Mother heard about what you said, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

They are all sisters of the Bai family. Sister Xue doesn't go out all day, and there is nothing wrong with the second sister-in-law trying to build momentum for her.

"Mother, in this way, the marriage of the second cousin is likely to be imminent. A while ago, the matchmaker often came to our house to inquire about the marriage. I heard that the Xu family is also a good family. The daughter is young, and the elder sister is filial. If you give the marriage to the second cousin, what does mother think?"

"What? Why give it to Sister Xue, the Xu family's conditions are good, there are fields and mountains..."

Before Liu could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Ruyan,
"Mother, listen to me. I heard that Xu's son is not too young and he is not suitable for his daughter. Besides, the two cousins ​​are not engaged. You let your daughter pass by. If you don't know, you think your daughter hates marriage." Woolen cloth."

Bai Ruyan said, persuading in a low voice, "Mother, think about it, often the matchmaker comes to our house to protect the matchmaker, and most of them are asking about the big lady. My daughter thinks that she is going after the big lady. She just wants to use our mouths to find out about the situation. .”

"Mother also knows that it's impossible for the eldest sister to be filial, so it's impossible to accept such a marriage. It's just right to give this marriage to the second cousin. Anyway, grandma lives in our house, so it's reasonable for her to come to ask the elders about the situation."

Listening to her daughter's explanation, Mrs. Liu looked in disbelief, "You don't care who she asks, as long as the other party has a rich family, mother will have a way to snatch him back for you."

"Mom, don't you understand? Even if you go to the pole to snatch it, they may not be happy. It's better to sell it to the second cousin."

Bai Ruyan was in a hurry. She had her own plans for letting go of the marriage. She had inquired about the Xu family a long time ago. There was a brother who was studying in the family. Although there were fields and forests, it was too expensive for a scholar.

Another point, which is also what she cares about the most, is that half of the tea plantation of the big cousin is used as a dowry, she can't compare it, and she dare not think about it.

If the second cousin's dowry is also very rich, at that time, no matter how stingy the mother is, she can't treat herself too badly. She will cry to her grandmother at that time, and she has to be on par with the second cousin no matter what.

Therefore, no matter what, she cannot marry in advance.

 I have updated [-] for half a month in a row, and I am a bit tired today. The [-] is over, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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