chapter 364

In addition to the dowry, there is a secret hidden in her heart, which can also be said to be a fantasy, which even her mother does not know.

After meeting the big lady today, she felt that this fantasy of hers could still be realized.

But before that, she first pushed the Xu family's marriage to the second cousin.For some reason, she always felt that the first cousin especially wanted the second cousin to be engaged to the Xu family.

If you want to please the big lady, it's not bad to start here.

Liu looked at her daughter with doubts in her eyes. She has never been in the habit of giving away good things. The Xu family's conditions are good, so she is naturally unhappy.

However, she also heard from the matchmaker that Xu's elder brother was already eighteen, and he was indeed a little different from Sister Yan's age.

Moreover, Sister Yan is not yet ready, so it is not impossible to wait another year.

"Are you sure you want to let go?"

"Of course, my daughter is still young, so I can't rush in front of my second cousin, so as not to make people laugh."

Staring at her daughter's eyes, Liu Shi asked very seriously. Based on her understanding of her daughter, she couldn't easily spit out the fat in her mouth unless she had other plans.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of Sister Xiang's brother-in-law. Could it be that the daughter is still thinking about that son?
"Sister Yan, tell mother the truth, do you still miss that noble young master?"

Hearing her mother's question, Bai Ruyan was stunned for a moment, that noble face flashed in her mind, and she unconsciously revealed a shyness.

Although she thought about it, she also knew that there were not many top-quality men like that, and with the big lady standing in front of her, she had no chance at all.

However, even if she can't get that man, isn't there another man?
As long as the hall sister is with her righteous brother, she will have the opportunity to meet other noble sons, even if they are of lower status, they are ten thousand times stronger than these country guys.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruyan's eyes burst into unprecedented brilliance.

"Mother, what are you thinking? Mr. Han is the eldest sister's brother-in-law, and he might become the eldest sister's husband in the future. Why do I still miss him?"

Bai Ruyan said, holding her chin and looking up at the clouds floating in the sky, her tone was rare and gentle.

"I used to be ignorant and acted too recklessly. Fortunately, I have figured it out now. As long as I don't mess with the big lady, and don't rob the big lady for men, maybe my fate will be different in the future."

Liu Shi stared at her daughter with blinked eyes, looked at the smile on the corner of her mouth, and raised her hand to touch her forehead, but there was no fever.

"Sister Yan, what are you daydreaming about again? I can tell you that Sister Xiang is not a good person. She can't be provoked now. If we want to buy a good price for our tea, we can rely on her in the future." gone."

As Liu Shi said, she turned her head to look at the location of the main room, and immediately approached her daughter, speaking in a low voice.

"Even your grandmother has changed, and she is obviously looking towards the big house these days. My mother guessed that your grandmother must have regretted it. She wants to live in Sister Xiang's big house, and she wants servants to serve her, and live the life of the old lady. .So, you must not touch the mold."

"In case the old lady takes you for surgery and shows it to Miss Xiang, then you will be the one who will be unlucky, and mother will not be able to help you."

As Liu Shi said, there was also resentment in her heart. She served the old lady like an old woman every day, working hard without complaint.

Listening to Liu's warning, Bai Ruyan blinked her eyes, if grandma moves in...
(End of this chapter)

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