Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 365 The Little Ones in Each Heart 99

Chapter 365
As soon as this idea came up, she shook her head and denied it.

The grandmother had already broken the heart of the eldest sister in the early stage, and now she wants to live in the past, I am afraid there is no hope.

"Mother, don't worry, I won't mess around. I just want to re-ease the relationship with the eldest sister. It's the same as grandma's desire, and there is no conflict."

Speaking of this point, Bai Ruyan looked at her mother, whoever said something bad, her mother dared to be the second, but no one dared to be the first.

"Mother, it is said that those who know the current affairs are outstanding. Seeing that the eldest sister's life is getting better and better, she knows more and more noble people. If we continue to fight against her, we must be the ones who will be unlucky in the end."

"So, mother, don't be jealous in front of the big lady in the future. If the relationship eases, maybe we can still get rich."

Hearing her daughter's reminder, Liu Shi looked at her daughter in disbelief. She couldn't tell if she was in the light or not, but she would certainly make the old lady unhappy, and she was not used to being scolded, so naturally she didn't want to touch it.

"Tch, do you think mother is stupid?"

"Mother, tell grandma later on, let the Xu family's marriage be handed over to the second cousin. As for whether the second aunt will agree or not, we don't care."

As long as the grandmother speaks, even if the second aunt has some criticisms, she dare not refuse directly.

With her love for Sister Xue, she would naturally inquire about the Xu family's situation. At that time, everyone would know that Matchmaker Chang was only going to her grandmother to inquire about her second cousin's situation, and it had nothing to do with her.

"Okay, since you have your own plan, mother will tell your grandmother at night."

Thinking of Meng's sister-in-law, Liu sneered, and every day she advertised herself as a gentle and kind daughter-in-law, but in fact she was full of dross inside.

Every time I got together with her, there was never a time when I was able to escape unscathed. Meng always had a way to set her off as worthless, and let the old lady scold her head and face.

She has long been unhappy with Meng Shi, and when Sister Xue's marriage with the Xu family is finalized, she will find an opportunity to tell Meng Shi that the marriage between Xue Jieer and Xu's family was let out by their third wife.

They just picked up what Sister Yan didn't want, as long as they thought of Meng's changed face, Liu would feel happy.

Well, everyone has their own tricks, but by coincidence, it is the same as Bai Ningxiang's purpose.

Sure enough, when Mrs. Meng heard what the old lady told her, she was taken aback for a moment.
"Mother, Sister Xue is still a month away from Jiji, why do you suddenly think of her marriage?"

"It wasn't a sudden decision, but the matchmaker often came to ask about our sister's situation. I thought about it, our granddaughter, Sister Xiang, is filial, and Sister Yan is still young, so only Sister Xue is suitable."

Lao Bai said, flicking the beads in his hand, squinting at Meng Shi,

"Sister Xue was taught very well by you. She is gentle and virtuous. There are many mountains and forests in the Xu family, and the eldest daughter-in-law must be very picky. It is not certain whether she will succeed. You are the mother of Sister Xue, so there is no need to rush to answer. Go and inquire first, if you think it is feasible, I will contact Chang Matchmaker here, if it doesn’t work, forget it.”

Listening to this, Meng's heart moved. Although it was strange for the old lady to suddenly mention her daughter's marriage, she didn't seem to want to participate in it from the old lady's tone. If the Xu family is really good, it's not impossible.

She was thinking quickly in her heart, but there was always a gentle smile on her face. From the beginning to the end, Meng's attitude towards the old lady was respectful.

(End of this chapter)

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