Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 366 Mengshi's Mind

Chapter 366 Mengshi's Mind

"Thank you mother for thinking about Sister Xue. The Xu family you mentioned, my daughter-in-law will remember it. I will go to inquire about it later, and if it is suitable, I will ask my mother for instructions."

"Well, let's go." Lao Bai waved his hands, and began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Meng Shi went out of the gate, thought carefully and thought again, but didn't think there was any problem.

Returning home full of doubts, Bai Er Er saw her absent-minded expression and frowned, "What's wrong, what's wrong with you, mother?"

Meng Shi glanced at Bai Er, shook her head with a smile, "What did the head of the family say, I didn't do anything wrong, why did my mother make things difficult for me?"

She had doubts in her heart, and she didn't hide it, so she narrated what the old lady said to Bai Lao Er, and couldn't help shaking her head afterwards.

"The old lady suddenly thought of our sister Xue. I just felt a little strange. You also know that sister Xue is usually a bit boring, and my mother doesn't like it very much."

When Bai Er heard it, his expression relaxed, and he smiled nonchalantly, what else is he doing?

"My mother is getting old, so it's not surprising that she wants to worry about it. Since someone asked her about the daughter of the Bai family, you might as well take a look. Sister Xue is also old. If the Xu family's situation is good, just look at each other."

Mrs. Meng nodded, "I am also the same mother. It's too early to talk about it. I'll ask first."

For some reason, she always felt a little uneasy.

"What are you worried about? Mother just suggested, but didn't directly make the decision. If you think it's not good, just go back."

Bai's second child really didn't think much about it, the matchmakers even came to inquire, and it proved that the daughter of the Bai family is excellent, which is something to be happy about.

When Mrs. Meng heard this, the doubts in her heart disappeared completely. The person in charge was right, and the old lady didn't intervene. The initiative is still in her own hands. What she agrees with or disagrees with is a matter of her own words. There is really nothing to worry about. of.

Thinking of this, Meng shi laughed, "The head of the family is right. I was thinking too much, and I was afraid that Mrs. Liu would play a role in it. Who made our sister Xue be too quiet at ordinary times, so I can't help but not worry."

The two discussed for a while, and Mrs. Meng really went to inquire about the Xu family's situation. When she learned that the Xu family had sixty acres of fertile land and ten acres of mountain forest, she was really happy.

On this point, what the old lady said was the truth, and the matchmaker did not lie.

As for the elder brother of the Xu family, Meng Shi also specially checked it out. He looks like a good-looking talent, and he looks like a down-to-earth and capable master.

The only bad thing is that I heard that the Xu family still has a son who is studying. She knows how much money is wasted by scholars. It would be great if the family could be separated.

As the eldest son, Xu Maokang can get more than half of the family property.

As the eldest daughter-in-law, Sister Xue raised the elderly and took charge of the family's property, so she could live a prosperous life.

If the family is not separated, and all the financial resources of the family are used for the education of the second son, sister Xue's life may not be smooth.

After Meng asked about it, he learned the situation from the head of the family, and also expressed his concerns.
"The family situation of the Xu family is simple. They have two sons and a daughter, and they live a relatively prosperous life. They are indeed good candidates. The second son who is studying will become a drag on the Xu family."

Bai Er took a look at her and spoke in a deep voice.

"Although it costs a lot to study, if you pass the exam, it will bring great benefits to your family. You have forgotten how great an honor it is for the Chenjiabu Village in our town to have a Jinshi and a lintel."

(End of this chapter)

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