Chapter 381 Courageous
In the blink of an eye, black shadows came one after another and landed directly around the carriage. With a clatter and a cold light flashing, the dark guards rushed directly towards the bandits on the opposite side with a cold murderous aura.

In the blink of an eye, the battle has begun.

Hearing the sound of the weapons colliding, Han Jing pursed her lips, and with a slight flash of her figure, she jumped onto the roof of the carriage that Bai Ningxiang was riding in.

"Girl, don't be afraid, these people are nothing to be afraid of."

"Brother Yi, I'm not afraid, I know you can."

Bai Ningxiang lifted the curtain and raised her head to look at the roof of the car, but unfortunately, she couldn't see anything except her robe blown up by the wind.

"Young girl is very courageous," Han Jing curled up the corners of her lips when she heard the girl's crisp tone, and most of the hostility in her heart dissipated immediately.

In the darkness, two groups of people fought together, except for the sound of weapons colliding, the smell of blood permeated the air.

Bai Ningxiang waited quietly, watching Yun Ni scratching her ears and scratching her cheeks and raising the curtain to look out from time to time, as if she really wanted to join the battle.

"What's wrong? Do you want to help?" Seeing her raise the curtain again, Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows and asked directly.

"Ha~, the servant girl really wants to see it, but I have to protect the girl, those bandits outside are not our opponents."

Seen through by the girl, Yun Ni looked a little embarrassed,

"...The servant girl wants to practice her hands, but she hasn't done actual combat for a long time."

"Go ahead, just be careful not to hurt yourself."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head. She knows a little bit about warriors. She likes to learn from opponents. Actual combat can increase combat effectiveness. She also heard that the more actual combat, the richer the combat experience.

"Thank you, girl...but the servant girl is gone, will the girl be afraid by herself?" Yun Ni looked at the fierce fighting outside, and struggle flashed across her face.

"It's okay, brother-in-law is still on the roof, my safety is fine."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she directly opened the front car door, walked out, looked up at Han Jing on the roof of the car, "Brother Yi, can I watch the battle with you?"

Han Jing: "...OK."

Looking at the head protruding from the roof of the car, Han Jing had a smile in his eyes.

As expected of the little girl he had his eyes on, she was courageous enough. If she watched the battle a few more times, she might not be able to resist the Han family army in Taohuayuan.

Reaching out to hold her wrist, Bai Ningxiang only felt her body lighten, and in a blink of an eye, she was standing on the roof of the car.

Standing tall and seeing far away, even in the dark night, Bai Ningxiang felt that her vision improved a lot.

Although the figures of the two sides are still unclear in the night, those erratic cold weapons have a cold light, and there is a slight chill in the fight between the two sides. If you observe carefully, you can still tell the difference.

She didn't know if it was because of the rebirth, as long as she concentrated, her perception would become stronger.

Just like the airflow she saw in the peach blossom forest, at first she only thought it was shocking and beautiful, but it wasn't until her brother-in-law analyzed it for her, and she observed carefully, that she discovered the clue.

Although she was a bit late, she could still find out. Bai Ningxiang was very content with this.

Even if she is reborn, she knows more about things than others, especially things related to her, so she can avoid them in advance.

As for the rest, she knew that she didn't have the ability in that area, and she never expected it.

Therefore, even if there is a little change in herself, she can only be happy. To be a person, she must be content, and she has carried it out very thoroughly.

 [-] finished~, sprinkle flowers~
(End of this chapter)

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