Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 382 I'm Not Strong Yet

Chapter 382 I'm Not Strong Yet
Bai Ningxiang stood beside her brother-in-law, watching the criss-crossing bodies and weapons colliding with each other, accompanied by a scream from time to time, and the strong smell of blood permeated the air, making people nauseous for no reason.

"Brother Yi, are they really gangsters who came here?"

Watching these people fight desperately, as if they completely disregarded life and death, one can't help but wonder, are all the bandits now so desperate?

Han Jing looked at the little girl's puzzled expression, and twitched her eyebrows, "What's wrong? You don't think they look like gangsters?"

"It's not that it doesn't look like it, it's just that I think it's too desperate. In my impression, gangsters are nothing more than robbing money and sex, but before that, they should be more life-saving. Looking at the fight in the field, they obviously don't have the advantage. "

Even so, they didn't see them backing away. Judging from the posture of rushing from time to time, it seemed that they really wanted to break through the tight encirclement and attack the position where they were standing.

The more I look at it, the more I feel something is wrong.

But she has never seen whether all the real gangsters look like this, so she can only express her doubts in her heart, and has no other ideas.

Listening to the little girl's analysis, Han Jing curled his lips, how could he not see something that even a little girl felt was wrong.

They are all people wandering in the whirlpool, who is really stupid?

It is full of flaws, and it is still the same. It can only have one purpose, and they have no intention of hiding it at all.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Yixiong's smile and blinked, "Does Yixiong feel strange too?"

Apart from the chaos at the beginning, it looks like they are well-trained now, attacking fiercely, and cooperating with each other, just like the drills seen on the school ground in Taohuayuan today.

"The girl has good eyesight. These people are indeed different from gangsters. As you said, they are too desperate."

"Yeah, I think they're weird...then why are they pretending to be bandits to intercept us?"

Bai Ningxiang's heart skipped a beat, her brother-in-law had been revealing news to her a lot these days, and said that he might stay in Qingdu in the coming year, and even took her to his Taohuayuan to check on Han's army.

Could it be that Brother Yi knew that he was being targeted, so he entrusted these things to her and asked her to watch them for her?

She knew that there were not only one or two enemies of the righteous brother hidden in places she couldn't see. Looking at what happened today, Bai Ningxiang was extremely depressed. Could it be that the disaster of the righteous brother has been brought forward?
However, she is not ready yet, she is not yet strong, what should I do?
After thinking of this point, Bai Ningxiang suddenly became sluggish, with an indescribable frustration in her heart, why is she still so incompetent after reviving her life?
Han Jing looked at the little girl's gloomy expression and her sudden discouragement, but she didn't understand why.

"what happened?"

"Brother Yi, can I still practice martial arts at my age?"

Han Jing looked at her burning eyes, and his mind was shaken, "It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman when you practice martial arts. The earlier the body is flexible, the better it will be. The older you are, the more you will suffer, and there are still many limitations... "It's still possible to keep fit."

"I'm not afraid of suffering..."

Before Bai Ningxiang could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Han Jing,
"Girl, don't worry, these people won't bother me."

"I know the strength of brother-in-law, but I just feel that I am useless, and I can't help when I watch."

Looking at her dissatisfied eyes, Han Jing was stunned for a rare moment, and then he couldn't help laughing in a low voice, even diluting the tense atmosphere in front of him a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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