Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 383 This is just a warning

Chapter 383 This is just a warning

"The fight between men is based on strength, and you don't need a little girl to intervene."

Even if someone wanted his life, he had to be able to take it, right?

There is no cartilage in the blood of the Han family.

Just like the ones in front of them, they looked ferocious, but they were harmless. If he guessed right, it was more like a warning.

He has been working as a warlord at the border, almost half of the time in the barracks, and he knows who is in the hands of those generals, and the things in front of him may have traveled a long way.

It would be costly to come all the way here just to give him a warning.

In the imperial city of Qingdu, there are many people who are afraid of him, but those who dare to make him an enemy are not satisfied with a slap in the face.

Thinking of this, Han Jing couldn't help laughing.

It's annoying to block people's way.

Looking at the expression of her brother-in-law and listening to his indifferent tone, Bai Ningxiang also understood in her heart that she was a girl who would fall down at the first push, and naturally she couldn't help with fighting or anything, but she just didn't want to be a burden.

Of course, even if she really wanted to help, she would not choose to use force.

She wanted to make herself strong, strong enough to be the backing of her righteous brother.

It's a pity that it's just empty talk now. Before it comes true, even if she boasted about it, Brother Yi wouldn't take it seriously.

That's why she was so annoyed.

She's strong and too slow.

After a stick of incense, the battle is over.

Bai Ningxiang saw those hidden guards shuttle back and forth, but after that, the road was cleared.

Looking at their skilled calligraphy, Bai Ningxiang clicked her tongue. How much work does it take to develop skilled calligraphy?
Until the hidden guard disappeared, except for the smell of blood still lingering in the air, Bai Ningxiang couldn't believe that this place had just experienced a battle.

Standing on the carriage, Han Jing glanced indifferently at the dark jungle, with a mocking look on his lips.

After that, they hugged Bai Ningxiang's waist, jumped to the ground, got into the carriage together, and left this place unsteadily.

Not long after the carriage disappeared, the two shadows hidden in the darkness appeared.

"Did we expose it just now?"

At that glance just now, it was as if someone strangled his neck, and he didn't dare to breathe.

No wonder he is a decisive black-faced god.

"It's okay, the master said it, this time it's just a warning, if he doesn't know what to do, it's hard to say what will happen in the future."

The other man in black snorted coldly, offended their master, and wanted to get away unscathed, it was wishful thinking.

There was a delay on the road, and it was already past midnight when the carriage arrived home.

Except for the big river and the sea guarded by the front yard, the rest of the people had already fallen asleep.

Bai Ningxiang didn't alarm anyone in the mansion, she simply washed up, then asked Yun Ni to go to the kitchen to get some food, and went to bed directly.

These days, she has been running back and forth, and with the construction of the factory building, she is so busy that she does not touch the ground every day. Although she is a little tired, she sleeps well and falls asleep right away.

Even if you sleep very little, you can wake up early the next morning on time.

When Bai Ningxiang appeared at the dinner table on time, Shen was stunned, "Xiangxiang, when did you come back?"

Bai Ningxiang glanced at her mother, and smiled softly, "At midnight last night, I was delayed on the road and came back a bit late. Fortunately, I have my brother-in-law with me, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Seeing the faint blue color in her eyes, Shen shi made a bowl of porridge for her with a distressed face, "When you come back late, sleep more, and you will have strength when you are mentally well."

(End of this chapter)

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