Chapter 384

Bai Ningxiang made breakfast silently, went back to the house and changed clothes, and was about to go to the next door to see the progress of the factory, and greeted Master Li by the way, but when she turned her head, she saw Yun Ni's slightly dissatisfied expression.

"What's the matter? It's early in the morning and you haven't eaten enough?" Compared with Ding Yang's indifference, Yun Ni is much more lively.

"How is it possible, the servant girl drank two bowls of porridge and two buns..."

When Yun Ni said this, she suddenly shut up, looking at the girl's smiling eyebrows, she couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"Girl... Excuse me, maidservant, did you often go out before?"

"Let's do it occasionally." Bai Ningxiang suppressed the emotions in her eyes and smiled lightly.

"...My wife's reaction was too flat, my servant felt a bit puzzled, please forgive me if I offended you?" The girl didn't come back at midnight, shouldn't a mother stay at the house and look forward to her return?
But what greeted them last night?Except for the two nursing homes, there were only dim lights left.

all asleep~
As normal mothers and daughters, if their daughter didn't come home in the middle of the night, they should be annoyed and reprimanded, or even beat them up.

Why did she not feel worried at all when she came to Madam, and she was surprised when she saw the girl appear in the morning?

This attitude is too abnormal, and I don't want a mother to do it.

As a maidservant, she couldn't figure it out, how could any mother in the world be so reassuring about her daughter?
Hearing Yun Ni's doubts, Bai Ningxiang blinked her eyes, yes, her mother's attitude was indeed very calm, even other people felt it, how could she not notice it?

"Perhaps in the eyes of my mother, my daughter is very powerful."

Since her father passed away, she has been struggling tenaciously, propping up the family bit by bit, not letting her worry about it inside and out, just to give birth to Brother Xing safely.

At the beginning, my mother looked at her with distressed eyes, always complaining about the unfairness of the sky, and felt that she was too burdened, and then the distressed expression gradually disappeared.

She knew that her mother was used to her busy life.

Habit is a terrible thing. My mother thinks she is strong and powerful, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Seeing the girl's indifferent expression, Yun Ni pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

Madam looked really gentle and treated the servants very well. Since she came, she didn't seem to have any extra thoughts except seeing her sitting under the window sill doing embroidery and just teasing her son.

On the surface, the whole yard is peaceful and warm.But she always felt that something was wrong.

This feeling is very strange.

It wasn't until this morning that she suddenly understood where this weirdness came from.

She found that between the wife and the girl, they obviously got along warmly, talking and laughing, but their feelings were very indifferent.

The madam looked at the girl with gentle eyes and spoke softly, but she lacked family affection, just like treating other members of the family, fair and selfless.

How could it be possible for a daughter to be treated the same as a servant?

Thinking of this, Yun Ni looked at the girl with pity for a moment. As a maidservant, she can see this clearly. The girl is the wife's daughter, so she naturally sees it more clearly than she does.

"Girl, I'm sorry." After all, she overstepped and poked the girl's heart.

"It's okay, mother has such a temper, I won't force it."

Bai Ningxiang straightened her sleeves, looked at herself in the mirror, her brows and eyes were indifferent, and the corners of her lips were curved just right, which also gave people a calm and well-behaved feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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