Chapter 388
These ideas have long been ingrained in the fact that the parents do not separate the family. Unless there are special circumstances and the parents take the initiative, no son or daughter-in-law dares to mention the separation.

Otherwise, it will affect filial piety, and the official career of future generations will be easily criticized.

If Sister Xue got married and her husband's family denied it, could it still be inseparable?
Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang curled her lips into a smile. Although the second aunt wanted to prevent problems before they happened, it had no real effect, it was nothing more than quick words.

Still, it's good for her daughter to do that.

"Not to mention, Second Aunt is quite qualified as a mother."

"My cousin is right. I envy such a mother." Bai Ruyan said, seeing her cousin's teasing expression, she lowered her head in embarrassment, turned and left.

Yun Ni looked at Bai Ruyan who was going away, and couldn't help but chuckle, "Girl, the second girl seems to be showing affection to you."

"Well, I can see it. I don't care about showing favors or anything, as long as they keep themselves safe and treat them like ordinary neighbors."

I'm sorry if she wants anything else, she doesn't have the time to play with children.

Yun Ni pursed her lips, shook the handkerchief in her hand, and walked up the mountain with a smile.
"Girl, it's not that I maliciously speculate on others. The second girl's show of kindness to you is definitely not innocent. Maybe it's some kind of trickery."

"Heh~, you're overthinking, the previous grievances are not so easy to get over. I won't let go of the past with them just because of these few words."

Bai Ningxiang bent her lower lip.

Heh~, how can you get a few kind words from your loved ones?

Human heart is the most immeasurable thing, she is not interested in experiencing it again and again.

In a blink of an eye, the Mid-Autumn Festival came, and the factory building next door was finally built.

She placed rows of shelves in the spacious warehouse, which can store tea well.

The open and bright drying shed, the large frying stove...
When all the tools were in place, another ten days were wasted.

However, what Bai Ningxiang likes the most is the large yard of the factory building. In order to get it done once and for all, she spent some extra money to enclose all the ten acres of land.

She has paved the floor tiles all around the factory building, and the rest will be reclaimed when she has time to plant some vegetables and fruit trees.

The moment the factory was completed, she purposely asked Dahai to buy a large hanging of firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and welcome good luck.

Fortunately, the black tea made this summer has made a lot of money, so she has plenty of money.Therefore, she does not plan to pick this year's autumn tea, and tea trees also need maintenance.

After rushing to this port to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, Bai Ningxiang was ready to celebrate.

Even the gifts given out are more generous than in previous years, especially for the godmother's family, whether it is food or use, Bai Ningxiang is very careful.

When the house was being built, the godmother was busy inside and out, and Bai Ningxiang respected this godmother whom she met halfway.

After the festival gifts were delivered, the family had to worship the moon god to celebrate, so early in the morning, everyone was busy, except for pork, chicken, duck, fish, crab and shrimp.

Everyone showed their strengths, and everyone cooked a specialty dish. Under the leadership of Xiao Nan, the whole yard was full of fragrance in the air besides laughter and laughter.

Seeing their busy work, Bai Ningxiang felt that she couldn't help, so she simply went to the front yard.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important annual festival, and she also pays a little attention to dressing.

(End of this chapter)

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