Chapter 389

She was wearing a light blue gauze skirt, paired with a light blue blouse. In addition to the white jade hairpin, there was also a silver hairpin on the bun, which was adorned with two strings of small beads, adding some vitality.

Sitting on the stone pier in the front yard, sipping the black tea made by the young man himself, eating peach blossom cake, watching the burning clouds in the sky, Bai Ningxiang's eyes were extraordinarily gentle.

On a clear day, the moon must be round and bright at night.

I just don't know what brother-in-law is going to do now?
It's a big holiday, shouldn't you train?

"Knock Knock~"

"Here we come, here we come," Dahai heard the door calling, and hurried over quickly. When he saw Han Jing standing at the door, he immediately went in to greet him.

"Girl, the son is here."

Bai Ningxiang stood up, and when she looked at her brother-in-law in black robes, she smiled, "This man really can't stand the nagging, I was wondering just now, do you have the good fortune to eat the crabs we have worked so hard to salvage."

"Doesn't this just prove that I have a good taste?"

Han Jing looked at the little girl's clothes, her eyes lit up, fresh and refined, and matched with the dusk sky, it made people feel warm.

"For the evening banquet, everyone in the family is not idle...Of course, not including me."

Bai Ningxiang pointed to the tea on the table, "Drink some tea first and rest your feet."

At this moment, Feng Yi walked over carrying a few gift boxes, and behind him were four well-dressed teenagers.

"Miss Bai, happy holidays. These are the master's guards, from the eleventh to the fourteenth wind."

Listening to their self-introduction, Bai Ningxiang looked at Han Jin inexplicably, only to find that he was staring at those four with disgust.

"Why do I think it's quite perfunctory for you to name people, and they all follow the numbers. Isn't it too careless?"

Han Jing: "... each other, each other."

He picks some standout teenagers to go to training camp every year, and if everyone wants him to name them, there's nothing else to do.

"I just said that no one should follow, Feng Yi will die."

Since he was attacked at night last time, Feng Yi has added four guards on the surface, following wherever he goes, making trouble.

Hearing the master's complaint, Feng Yi was helpless, he glanced at Miss Bai, hoping she would say something nice.

"Feng Yi is also concerned about you, what happened with the four people, how many people are easy to take care of, it's not like I don't have a place to live here."

Bai Ningxiang gave him a blank look, "Dahai, clean up the rooms next door and arrange for them to stay."

"Yes, girl."

Zhao Dahai looked at a few people, and patted their shoulders with a smile, "It's right to follow the general, work hard."

When Yun Ni came over with a plate of peach blossom mooncakes, she saw such a scene, "My servant has seen you, this is a freshly baked peach blossom mooncake, try it."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the pink mooncake, her eyes lit up immediately, "Look, it's better to come early than to come at a good time, hurry up and wash up, I'll wait for you to taste it together."


Han Jing looked at the little girl who was not polite to him at all, and couldn't help feeling warm in his heart. He just liked this kind of homely atmosphere, and he didn't deliberately flatter and curry favor, just like ordinary family members chatting casually.

Because of this, he let the border soldiers pass the festival ahead of time, and he brought the people over in a hurry. Fortunately, there was still time.

Looking at the gentle expression of her brother-in-law, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help raising her hand to caress the white jade hairpin on her bun, feeling a touch of sweetness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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