Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 395 Arguments are useless

Chapter 395 Arguments are useless

Bai Ningxiang looked at her with indifferent and cold eyes, "And I asked Bai Wu to search Zhao Wenpo's room and got the money you paid in advance."

Mengshi: "..."

How could it be possible, she obviously disguised herself very well, and even changed her voice on purpose.

Bai Laoer looked at Meng Shi with a complicated face, why didn't he know that Meng Shi did these things when he was not paying attention, why didn't he follow up and discuss it?
So full of loopholes, what is the difference from delivering it to your door?
"Sister Xiang, calm down first, it's a big holiday, your second aunt shouldn't be so impulsive to come and trouble you, it's all the second uncle's fault, he didn't pull her in time..."

Before Bai Laoer could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Ningxiang,
"Is Second Uncle trying to change the subject or to cover up the Meng family? If something happens to my mother, what will Second Uncle do?"

Bai's second child: "Whatever Sister Xiang said, my sister-in-law will definitely be auspicious."

"Heh~, Second Uncle really doesn't hurt his back when he talks standing up, but you're right, with me around, my mother will definitely be lucky."

Meng's eyes lit up when she heard that the head of the family was developing for her, she glanced at Shen's, her eyes turned red,
"Sister Xiang, you misunderstood the second aunt. I did meet Zhao Wenpo when I went to the town, but I definitely didn't mean to harm my sister-in-law. I just want to ask her to deliver the baby to my sister-in-law so that my sister-in-law and mother are safe. Girl, you are poking my heart with such malicious speculation about Second Aunt."

Bai Ningxue's eyes lit up when she heard it. That's right, the eldest sister has no evidence at all. Even if her mother went to see Zhao Wenpo, who said she must have done harm?
Bai Laoer coughed lightly, "Sister Xiang, I told you that your second aunt would not be so cruel, there must be a misunderstanding."

Bai Ningxiang looked at this family, and couldn't help clapping her hands, it really wasn't that the whole family didn't come in.

Just like what the little man said, these people's psychological quality is stronger than the other.

"Heh~, if you want to say that you are cruel, I don't think anyone can compare to the Meng family."

After saying these few words, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing, looking at Meng's tightly pursed mouth, she opened her mouth quietly.

"It's a pity~ Zhao Wenpo pleaded guilty and told all about your plan. If your mother gave birth to a sister, don't worry about it. If it's a brother, just create an accident or something. Women's childbirth is a waste of time. Even if something happens, you can only admit that you are unlucky."

"My dear second aunt, you dare to do things that kill people because of the fact that you have no heirs to inherit the big house. It's easy for you to say that you are vicious."

"You talk nonsense, you talk nonsense, I didn't do it, you don't want to frame me."

At this time, Meng Shi was already flustered, and the rationality she managed to maintain completely collapsed at Bai Ningxiang's last sentence.

Everyone: "..."

Does this count as self-inflicted?
Listening to her daughter's narration, Shen stared at Meng in disbelief. A person who is usually gentle and gentle has such a dark heart in his heart.

"No wonder, no wonder Xiangxiang would rather go far away and go to the county to ask the daughter of the gynecologist to come back. It turns out that such a big thing happened in the middle."

At that time, she thought it was strange that the stable women in the town had good skills, so there was no need to run too far.

Thinking of this, Shen looked at her daughter full of guilt, thinking of Brother Xing who was sleeping soundly in the backyard, if it wasn't for Xiangxiang's cleverness, maybe she and her son would have been gone long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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