Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 396 You Can't Convict Without Evidence

Chapter 396 You Can't Convict Without Evidence

At this moment, the courtyard was extremely quiet, and everyone stared at Mrs. Meng in shock, completely forgetting the purpose of coming here.

Bai Ningxue looked at her mother's expression, then at her cousin's indifferent expression, tears streaming down her face,

"Cousin, I shouldn't be crying. It's all my fault. My mother came to question me because she felt sorry for me. As for the past, the eldest aunt and the younger cousin are fine. The eldest sister can't rely on Zhao Wen alone. Just one word from my mother-in-law condemns my mother."

"People have a hundred mouths, each say their own things, the big lady has no concrete evidence, just grabbing at random. It's been so long, if my mother really did it, how come you didn't bring it up until now?"

She is not a fool, if someone harmed her, as long as there is evidence, she should rush to seek justice as soon as possible.

Therefore, it is impossible for the hall sister to have evidence in her hands, she just wants to bombard her mother and let her admit it herself.

The more Bai Ningxue thought about it, the more she felt that her reasoning was correct, her mother couldn't have an accident, if her mother collapsed, it would be the end for her and her brother.

Just when she was about to say something more, someone preempted her

"It's not that Xiang girl didn't say anything, but my old man braved his face and forced it down." While speaking, the patriarch appeared at the door leaning on a cane. Behind him, besides the godfather and mother, there were several clan elders.

At the same time, Mrs. Bai also walked in with the support of Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Bai.

The little man squeezed out from the crowd and winked at Bai Ningxiang.

So many people appeared at the same time, the courtyard was full of human heads, Bai Ningxiang asked people to move the chairs, all clan elders please sit down.

"Xiang girl, you have been wronged. Grandpa will accompany you. If I hadn't considered too much, I would have dealt with the matter earlier, and these twists and turns would not have happened."

Leaning on crutches, the patriarch sat on a chair, looked at his god-daughter standing beside him, and couldn't help but sigh again in his heart, what a group of sightless things, good girls, were forced into something by them.

The old six's family, confused, don't want a good granddaughter, keep some wolves, tigers and leopards by your side.

"The patriarch is polite. I know you are thinking of the Bai family. Although I am not a man, I am also a descendant of the Bai family. Doing my best for the family can be regarded as praying for Brother Xing."

Listening to her tone, the old patriarch nodded in satisfaction, he was right, he is a good boy.

It's a pity, if he is a brother, he might be able to change the Bai family's family and shine on the lintel.

The old patriarch poked the ground with his cane, and glared at his second child, "Bai Jianwu, are you convicted?"

Bai Er was stunned, looked at Meng Shi beside him, and felt a thump in his heart, I'm afraid that today's affairs will not be good.

"My nephew was convicted, and he let the wives and other people riot during the big festival, and didn't stop it in time. It is true that my nephew has no way to manage the family and is too indulgent."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the guilty expression on the second uncle's face, and hid the sarcasm in her eyes. She endured the irritability and dealt with it for a while, just to give the patriarch enough time to come over.

The second uncle wanted to divert the attention with one sentence of conviction, how could it be possible?

The patriarch shook his head and poked his crutches. Except for Jianwen, who is a talented person in the old six family, the rest are too self-interested.

If you are narrow-minded and only see the small profits in front of you, how can you go far?
"The sage has a saying, to govern the country, to keep the family in order and to bring peace to the world, you can't even manage the family well, let alone serve the family and the country."

(End of this chapter)

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