Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 410 Strange Cock

Chapter 410 Strange Cock
Master of their glorious Qiyue, at least hold it up.

"Just wait, we will have a mistress in the future." Feng Si looked at the scene over there, his eyes sparkling.

"Looking at the master's appearance, I can't go wrong. Prepare this carefully, maybe it's time to follow the gift at any time." Uncle Liang said quietly, subconsciously touching his shriveled purse.

Seeing Uncle Liang's movements, Feng Si imitated him and touched his pocket, hehe smiled,
"It's okay, I only blackmailed Feng San for a piece of jade when he came back last time, it should be worth a lot of money."

Liang Shuyou turned his head and slapped him up and down, "Crafty, cunning."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Feng Si and left with his hands behind his back. In a few days, Feng San should be back, right?

After Han Jing got Bai Ningxiang's promise, the corners of his mouth didn't close anymore. He took the little girl's hand, shuttled back and forth in the peach blossom forest, and finally hugged her directly in his arms, feeling a little comforted.

"Girl, I'm so excited."

Bai Ningxiang: "...I can see it."

She was going crazy, if she still couldn't see it, she would be stupid.

Han Jing gently kissed her forehead, her eyes were so gentle that water dripped out, "Girl, give me a year, and I promise to come back as soon as possible."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Bai Ningxiang nodded with a smile. The things in this life and the previous life have been out of track in many places. I don't know if it's because of her rebirth or something else, but she just wants to pursue her heart.

In the past few years, she will try her best to make herself stronger. As long as she has the ability, no matter how much wind and rain there is in the future, she will be able to face it without fear.

"Girl, the Han family troops in Taohuayuan are left for you, a total of [-] soldiers. You don't have to worry about training, as Uncle Liang will take care of them. You only need to assist Uncle Liang to ensure that these people have enough food and clothing."

As Han Jing said, he suddenly held her right hand and stroked the jade ring on her ring finger.

"Girl, take a closer look at the texture on the side, is it familiar?"

Bai Ningxiang turned the jade ring around, and there were indeed some textures of different shades engraved on one side of the ring.
"Looks like a weird looking rooster."

Han Jing looked at the little girl's serious expression, and fell silent,

"...This is the Archeopteryx, the totem of the Han family army."

"Ha~, I just said why it looks like a weird big rooster. It turned out to be Archeopteryx. What's the use of this totem?"

Bai Ningxiang's face turned red, she tried her best to straighten her expression, and engraved an Archeopteryx on it, shouldn't it be a pretty picture?
Suddenly, Bai Ningxiang felt that this jade ring was not just a token of love, but she seemed to have seen it before somewhere.

"Since it is the totem of the Han family army, it is equivalent to a token. It is used as a seal. If you have urgent matters, you can use this to issue orders."

Han Jing caressed her ring finger and looked at her quietly.

Bai Ningxiang was stunned, trying to ignore the dryness on her hands, blinked her eyes,
"So powerful?" What should I do if it feels heavy?
"Of course, as long as you make the best use of everything, this thousand Han family troops will be a sharp weapon in your hands." Han Jing held her hand, his eyes burning.

Looking at the reflection in the eyes of her brother-in-law, accompanied by the deep affection in his eyes, Bai Ningxiang's heart swelled warmly. From now on, she will also be a lover held in the palm of his hand.

Is this what it feels like to be cared for and cared about?
Very moving, very sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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