Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 411 Sending you away

Chapter 411 Sending You A Thousand Miles Away
After the two exchanged friendship, they have been together forever. As for the soldiers waiting for the inspection, they have long been forgotten.

When the two left Taohuayuan, they were on the road at dusk again, but this time, they arrived home very smoothly.

In the early morning of the second day, the family accompanied Han Jing for breakfast, and brought him enough food, a car of souvenirs and a car of black tea to go on the road together.

"Brother Ting, have a good journey, and say hello to your mother for me."

"Don't worry, Aunt Yun, my mother has always liked stewed ham with winter bamboo shoots. My mother will definitely feel your affection."

Listening to Han Jing's remarks, Shen smiled gently, "In the backcountry, apart from these local specialties, there are indeed no souvenirs that can be sold, as long as your mother likes it."

"Mother, it's getting late. Let brother-in-law leave earlier so that he can get home earlier."

What should be said and what should not be said, the two of them finished talking in Taohuayuan yesterday.At this time, in front of her mother, she didn't want to reveal too much.

"That's right, that's right, we should have set off earlier." With an apologetic smile, Chen followed her daughter to send him to the official road.

Han Jing took a deep look at Bai Ningxiang, clasped her fist at Shen Shi, got on the horse, whipped the horse, and led the convoy away.

It wasn't until the carriage disappeared that Shen turned around to greet her daughter, "Xiangxiang, go back."

Seeing her daughter in a daze, Shen was stunned for a moment, turned her head to look at the disappearing convoy, and subconsciously shook her head.

"I don't know if Brother Ting will come back next year? Serve well in the border army, how can you say that you will be transferred if you are transferred?"

Listening to her mother's murmur, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing,
"We can say exactly what happened to the imperial court. Brother Yi is just guessing. Even if he doesn't come back next year, he will come back the year after. After all, his Lingjiaofeng tea garden is still in my hands."

"That's right, how can such a big tea garden be left alone?"

Shen Shi smiled, and felt relieved. She knew that the Lingjiaofeng tea garden was very large, and Brother Ting had been entrusted to Xiangxiang to take care of it.Maybe by the time Brother Ting comes back, the tea garden has already seen the benefits.

When they reached the crossroads, Shen's mother and daughter were just about to leave the official road and go home when they saw a man dressed as a scholar walking towards them.

Three steps away, the man stood still, then clasped his hands together, "This junior has seen Mrs. Bai."

Seeing the scholar who suddenly appeared, Shen was stunned, she didn't seem to know him.

"People with blind eyes, dare not recognize who is your son? You are ashamed to accept it."

Chen smiled apologetically, and took a wrong step to the side while holding her daughter's hand.Maybe it was my husband's former friend, although she didn't know her, she still replied politely.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the scholar who suddenly appeared in front of him, and then at the baggage behind him, her eyes flickered slightly.

"Xu Maocheng, I heard that my brother has a marriage contract with Miss Bai. Since I met him, I should come to see her."

Hearing Xu Maocheng's tone, Shen was stunned. She glanced at Xiangxiang who seemed to be smiling but turned to Xu Maocheng, her voice had become much colder.

"It turned out to be the second son of the Xu family. The eldest son of Xu does have a marriage contract with the girl of the Bai family. But I still want to ask the second son to go home and find out before it's too late."

After finishing speaking, without looking at Xu Maocheng's confused expression, he directly pulled his daughter down the official road and walked to the gate not far away.

Xu Maocheng stared blankly at the disappearing figure, for some reason, panicked, and hurried home.

 Six thousand is over~
(End of this chapter)

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